
As a professional Graphic Design/Art Director these ads are amazing. Yes the corny headlines are so 80’s/90’s but they are great. Some of the art still holds. The entire NintenDon’t campaign was Sega’s big Fuck You to nintendo. It was glorious then not so much now. Especially since Sonic is now side by side to mario.

This guys is all like, “What an asshole!”

Listen to this man, he knows what he’s talking about.

Creepy much

I knew he was related to someone form the original triplogy. Thanks Alex for confirming.

No, I mean in reality they are related. Uncle or some shit.

True but they are related to each other.

Wow! That must be some really good weed.

Nooooooooooooo. Not Shrinkage on the TATAS!!

Balky Bartacumus

That’s cool and all but you better make sure all enemies are dead before you start writing foofy poetry.

You forgot Dr. Roxo. The Rock n Roll Cocaine Clown.

I'll walk by a dead guy on the floor and it almost seems like hes reaching for my ankles as I walk away. But the Bench Giant is pretty amazing. "Just enjoying some disease riddled air here. Not bothering anybody. Hey look an axe!"

LMFAO! Ur an idiot!


I think she farted and he's handling it.

I wish I could un-see this.

can you bang it? You know, like a flesh lite? I'll show myself out.

Clearly the White llama knows what he's doing. Black llama is just following him or her around.