
Nooooooooooooo. Not Shrinkage on the TATAS!!

Balky Bartacumus

That’s cool and all but you better make sure all enemies are dead before you start writing foofy poetry.

You forgot Dr. Roxo. The Rock n Roll Cocaine Clown.

I'll walk by a dead guy on the floor and it almost seems like hes reaching for my ankles as I walk away. But the Bench Giant is pretty amazing. "Just enjoying some disease riddled air here. Not bothering anybody. Hey look an axe!"

LMFAO! Ur an idiot!


I think she farted and he's handling it.

I wish I could un-see this.

can you bang it? You know, like a flesh lite? I'll show myself out.

Clearly the White llama knows what he's doing. Black llama is just following him or her around.

I had that truck. It was a great truck. But sadly it died due to the XTREME heat in Miami. Get it? I'll show myself out.

This made me shit myself on the inside.


I was looking for a hidden penis somewhere. I'll show myself out.

Same here. That's great that he agreed to that.

That's his wife's alarm clock

This man has no genitals

Omg, shit yeah i do.

First off, why does he have a Southern Accent some of the time. 2nd, Why does he have a Southern accent? I'll show myself out.