

I want cake vendors in Destiny. Perhaps the Cryptarch can sell crappy blue engram cakes. Douche!

Nice muff man.

I wish I could un-see this. Slow Video Game news day huh folks?


Why is Joel so creepy in this gif? Don't recall him being that smiley in LoU


HA! Pillow biter

This...this is...So FUCKING GALAXY! Fucks planets. Dear sweet buttery jesus.

Why does he look like he's going to bite Franklin

That dog looks mildly retarded.

Will they take my old gi joes?

Lorena Bobbit anyone...too soon? I'll show myself out.

in your butt

What's Final Fantasy? When's this fantasy's final?

I've been playing since release day and I've gotten 2 purples. One was the FINAL BOSS sniper rifle the other some shitty arm band. Booooooooooooooo.

Nothing like a good cartoon crotch to kick start my Monday morning.

I'm doing just fine without proximity chat. I always go on with my friends and I'll chat with them. Don't ruin the game by adding proximity chat. I hate strangers. Especially strangers that are blasting music in the background. This always happens in GTA online. Too many assholes.

WTF? Really? Does it work during a strike mission?

I'm fully aroused!