
Tossing aside the obvious that Black people are 12% of the population and can’t possibly overthrow white people, I simply don’t understand the psyche of white people.

Son’s job called the father when he failed to show for work and his supervisor could not reach the son or his mother... so they called the father.  

This particular pathology basically warps into the idea that without the [suicidal person] the family will starve or end up homeless. That weird “nobility” that many suicidal persons show about how “I’m such a burden and if I were gone they could have easier lives” gets twisted into “I can’t provide for them and can’t

People that do this are called “family annihilators” and it’s usually men. It’s super fucking weird that the kids were grown and the divorce isnt recent. My experience and bias leads me to guess that she was probably very controlling and her adult children tried to set some boundaries. Those kids seem a bit on the old

I remember a case where a woman shot and killed her daughters and herself because her husband was leaving her - the woman told her husband outright, as she was doing it, that she was doing it to punish him. This mentions her ex-husband; I wonder if this is a similar thing?

Oh, they be cops. They have no problem breaking the chain, or breaking down the door. Claim they heard a girl. Or smelled some of the wacky weed. Thought the kid was choking...

Because 99% of the covers are just Oprah by herself.

Are we really complaining about a fine ass black woman shaking her ass?? And by we I mean that guy saying he is tired of wigglin asses.   

My favorite one is the part in the first video with Lizzo throwing up signs at the end lookin’ like she’s ‘bout to cry from the liquor. lol

You must only have sex with skinny white girls. :)

I still don’t know how in the pain of that moment, she made the decision to show Emmett’s body as it was.  Some people have such strength in horrible situations.  

College does not prepare you for the real world.

Guessing it would go something like...

That man will never be able to enter a black barbershop again.

Get this fake news the fuck up outta here lol

As someone who played GTAV for quite some time (been months since I touched it, though) I can say that I have never used a stolen Porsche to pick up a prostitute, drive at breakneck speeds to a hill overlooking the city only for her to get scared and flee the car once it came to a complete stop, and then run her over

I love Assassin Creed Odyssey but I have never once thought about going over to Greece and jumping off the Parthenon into a hay bale/leaf pile and then jamming a dagger in the neck of the nearest suckafool who had the misfortune of watching my caloric challenged ass climb up the Parthenon and was still in awe of what

The assholes who are blaming video games for Vanilla Isis can go fuck themselves with a rusty chainsaw. Those were two different grown ass men who wanted to lash out at non-White people because they feel entitled to everything and they’re terrified by their irrelevance.

In my interactions with him he has never been anything but a jackass. He thinks very highly of himself and He thinks the world revolves around him. He and his brother both walk around like they are the Stars and not just the guy who gets paid to talk to Stars and his predator ass looking brother.

We’ll need a follow-up investigation into who exactly is watching Extra.