Think different.
Think different.
Looks like a bunch of Transformers to me.
Dammit. Take your star, Sir.
If I were trying Cersei I don’t think I’d allow the Hound to be the crown’s champion. I would choose Drogon as my champion in all legal matters.
Well, the analogy uses fishing to explain how short-term benefits aren’t as valuable as assistance that enables the recipient to become self-sufficient. Throwing in a desert, then fishing tools, then other professions like carpentry and mechanics into such a simple analogy stretches it into absurdity. You’d do better…
Any analogy can be abstracted to an absurd level. You just re-proved that.
It seems like the same effect though. In the ball drop, the spinning draws the ball forward. In the water stream, the ball is also being drawn forward, into the stream.
Wouldn’t this be due to the Magnus Effect, like in the dropped basketball experiment?
I love the inside joke of having Jennifer Connelly be the suit voice for Spidey’s suit since her husband was Jarvis.
I’m afraid you’re going to be arguing transgender isn’t the same as transracial for the rest of your life because most people don’t see a distinction between changing one and not changing the other.
So if, instead of donations, streamers “sold” nick nack merchandise, would Paypal’s seller protection apply then?
Probably the same way people support CalExit yet still consider themselves Americans.
Your misuse of “literal” undercuts the point you’re trying to make here. Hyperbole is not “telling how things are.”
Within the limited context of a military victory, yes, the term “loser” does apply. But the author is taking that limited meaning and expanding it beyond the military context as a way to justify childish name-calling.
It really seems like you’re going beyond a simple recounting of history here and making personal attacks against people, instead of addressing why they want to preserve these objects. That’s not a rational approach to reporting. That’s just petty vindictiveness.
The standard diagnosis for the lack of civility in our politics centers on partisanship.
At least it wasn’t another clickbait article about the mythical trolley problem.
Why is Sansa wearing a bondage chain?
From the language, it looked like these were reported cases; not convicted cases. reports that in 2010, 6613 officers were involved in misconduct reports. Even using 2008's overall law enforcement figure, that still comes to less than 1% (0.6%) of the whole. By comparison, a typical apple barrel contains 3 bushels, or about 120, apples. So if there were 1 bad apple in a barrel,…