I meant it in the colloquial sense that girls use with each other. Like “Heeyyyy girl whatcha doin’?” etc etc. I am trying to become a member of the crew. A real regular here at Jezebel. Thank you for the warm welcome!
I meant it in the colloquial sense that girls use with each other. Like “Heeyyyy girl whatcha doin’?” etc etc. I am trying to become a member of the crew. A real regular here at Jezebel. Thank you for the warm welcome!
Please for the love of everything holy tell me you tip when getting takeout.
I’ll admit it, I voted for Trump. I’m not proud of it, but I would never vote for a conman like Bernie or a lying dirtbag like Hillary. And rather than get stoned and drunk and stay home like the Bernie Bois, I decided to get out there and vote. I value voting, and I believe it is important to our democracy. So I…
Well, you have bested me this time, Joan. I should not expect less from one who chooses an owl as their Kinja avatar. Owls are wise, noble, and deadly creatures. Wonderful. Looking forward to our next encounter.
Over the past few months, the Department of Labor has been pushing a rulethat would rescind longstanding regulations which make it harder for employers to take tips from their workers.
So they say... regardless, no reason not to have a little civil discourse about this whole boondoggle. There is not such thing as a stupid question.
Hey now, women do a whole lot more than what you suggest here. Tons of stuff. All sorts of things that are wonderful in their owns special way.
So what? Are you really trying to brain shame me? Stop this immediately.
Let’s get to the real point here.
“Because Bernie isn’t popular with ‘urban’ communities.”
Woooo the Blue Wave is here! Our engines are fired up and we’re ready to hit the gas pedal! Let’s keep this momentum guys! Keep your eye on the prize! Size doesn’t matter, it’s the motion of the ocean! Woooo!
I was trying to explain to them that the city of Austin is responsible for the bombing hoax we’ve been hearing about in the news recently and they got all mad and disappointed in me and stuff. They called me bad names and said I was stupid.
DoobyOne says, ““Certain” means black and brown people. Because trump and everyone who supports him are racist scum.”
I used to feel this way, but I’ve done a total 360 on it.
lol come on dude
Hey Girls,
Breitbart doesn’t have Gawker-level success yet, but it’s tough to argue that it isn’t getting more popular by the day among the college-educated, employed Middle Class - that is, the people forgotten by The Left.
I love your comments, they are always so funny and witty, but this one is a bit chauvinistic for my tastes. Subtle notes of transmisogyny as well.
This entire incident never happened.