Mr Schlampen

In retrospect, voting for Hillary just seems really embarrassing. I have a lot of friends that feel the same way you do, that say the same things, that can’t comprehend anything outside the “But she practiced her whole life for the job” line, friends that thought the Clinton Foundation was a charity. Ah. Good times.

Non compliance in the form of explicit prohibition of enforcement is absolutely a violation and California will be made to pay for this.

Trump ran on bringing jobs back to America and is doing just that very visibly every day. Obama even said “The jobs are gone and they aren’t coming back.”

I was there in spirit and you know this. Cut down on the duck sauce.

You use many words, mi amigo, and yet you end up saying nothing.

And yet, is that not exactly what California itself is doing with respect to Federal Law? Please have some self-awareness. We are in this together.

Let’s be completely open and honest here.

Nobody trolls anymore. That stopped when all the goth kids died in the Iraq War. They were amusing and I’m sure some people miss them. Anyway, $30k for a table in a high-level govt office probably isn’t abnormal. I would like to see some comparisons.

Did you really? Isn’t that kind of humiliating in hindsight?

Apply this question to facial recognition software as well and now we’re getting somewhere.

Capitalism isn’t to blame - it certainly has its faults but this is not one of them. This is redistributive feel good tax policy with a hint of social engineering.

I understand that nobody that reads The Slot has been or ever will be married, so let me explain.

It’s math. Math isn’t hard and numbers don’t lie. Give it a try today!

Pretty scary. Vocal black men like Shaun King have been warning about this for years. To me it seemed kinda far-fetched so I laughed it off. This was obviously during a time that Islamic Terrorists were going nuts around the world. You’re telling me that the government cares about Black Lives Matters more than the Ten

And now you import uncivilized third worlders that breed and act like animals. The extra-sweet kicker is that you go to jail for talking about it.

She makes a really good point.

Look into it.

Now that was clever. Pud is Dup backwards, which is shorthand for Duppy - as in Duppy Conqueror.

Don’t you dare besmirch my girl’s pantsuit collection. Don’t you dare. Actually, how dare you. What an awful thing to say. My girl Hills only wears pantsuits because not many, if any, other forms of clothing are able to accommodate such an oddly misshapen profile. Clothes, even designer, are created with symmetry in

I don’t have to be clever when I’m the one being pursued.