Mr Schlampen

Low-hanging fruit on Jezebel? Do you even know Jezebel? It’s the world’s premier Feminism site. Good luck trying to smear that brand as “low-hanging fruit.” People like you have been trying this sh*t for years. It’s a waste of time. We are stronger than you.

Can’t say I agree with the Trumpian suggestions of this article.

What are you trying to say here, really? You insinuate that POCs spend more on frivolous items instead of saving, but have you considered that they must spend more on necessities as a result of having been born without privilege?

You must be a terrible lawyer. Public defendant?

Whilst Socialism Eats Nothing: A Tale of Resource-Rich Nations Turned Starving Sh*tholes Through Socialism

Tough for me to form a well-rounded opinion on this man. I don’t know who he is and I don’t care who he is. To me, he is a middle-aged man with a middle-aged face. Interesting hair. And middle of the road spectacles. All in all, I could see this man on the bus or sitting at a cafe. I could see him on a park bench or

Rosie O’Donell is a basement-level nobody. Beyoncey and Katie Perry are garage-level nobodies. Taylor Swift owns the entire block.

I will commit the spelling of their names to memory once they become memorable people. As of right now, they are nothing but over-produced, over-hyped nobodies.

Kinda? Maybe? I certainly don’t get how Kushner has received a pass by the #MeToo movement so far, but Weinstein has been through the ringer. I’m not sure Weinstein needs to be prosecuted. He’s been through a lot already and we really can’t overlook what he’s done on the donation front. He has singularly gotten many

If you really were Rosie O’Donell you would know that people with money get sued because small, petty people want it. But you aren’t Rosie. You are just someone obsessed with defending Katie Perry and Beyoncey online. You are probably just another member of the #BeyHive, completely indistinguishable from the rest.

She gets sued because she has money. Same reason anyone gets sued. This is Law 101. I actually took a few law classes in college so... good try?

She just crossed the line.

This is how the First Amendment dies.

But chocolate cake it is, and eat it we all will.

Just because the collusion between The Trump Campaign [and transition team] and The Kremlin has already been proven does not mean that Mueller must end his investigation. There are all sorts of other crimes just waiting to be found. is being retired over the weekend. Really sad news in my opinion.

I’m a longer-time reader than you are. I’m also much wiser, funnier, and more popular. I say he stays. It is YOU THAT SHOULD LEAVE!

Man... what happened to the Gawker Readers? Some of you were always a bit slow, but the instant outrage at obvious satire makes me wonder if your brains were excavated by Mr. Bollea along with all of Denton’s assets.

Hey there, either get on board with more women in leadership positions or stop calling yourself a feminist, k?

Easily the best article Splinter has produced and likely the best article since Gawker was murdered by America.