Mr Saturn

We’ll celebrate with some steamed hams.

Thoes controllers are nothing short of perfect.

It makes me happy that they used the american SNES as the basis for this, instead of the dull, lifeless european one.

You’re right. The response to “video games are for kids” was not “just get over it.” The response to “video games are for kids” was “you will restrict sales to kids or the federal government will literally regulate you.”

It was for the joke, so there is not really an issue there, she was a old lady in a child’s body, and the joke is that she has these moments where she tries to act like a kid but she overdoes it and just comes off as an old person trying to act as a child.

True, when you (or I) say “I occupy the body of a skinny guy” it’s a colloquial way of saying “I am a skinny guy”. But demons, unlike humans, are, pretty much by definition, spiritual entities that possess the bodies of others. So when you say a DEMON, in particular, is occupying the body of a skinny guy, you are NOT

My apologies, I thought I had made it clear I was condemning the practice.

I agree it’d be better if the issue didn’t exist at all, but when it comes to pedophilic stuff like this I’d say this is the least of evils. Does liking ‘loli’ anime or whatever actually lead to or intensify desires to go after actual children? I mean, they’re exaggerated caricatures of children and not realistic

I was gonna say that but you beat me to it. it’s about the dresses, not the age of the character.

“Loli” is also short for lolita - as in “gothic lolita”, the fashion style she’s sporting. Fans of it are known as “lolis”. They get very upset when people confuse/conflate the two.

I choose to see it as a innocent crush on the part of that 8-year-old girl towards Kanna, and that they haven’t actually done anything sexual.
I had crushes on adults and other people as a young kid, but that didn’t mean I wanted to fuck them. It was just more along the lines of wanting to spend time with them and

Kind of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, no?

You know what, at least in my country we dont have actual rapists in the senate and people defending them, you know? Now that is something people should be writing about. US is the most hypocritical country ever. But i guess americans are too stupid to realize that.

Just want to say...

please show me in which show the author here named that happens. Im pretty sure what you are watching is not the same thing as what I am and you should probably be detained.

Nice ethnocentric view point you have there. NEWS FLASH: Your culture is not better than ours. STOP PUSHING YOUR MORALS ON US!

Oh man, that Mother 2 jacket, though!

I totally read the article as they were not going to do the original Curse of Osiris stream and were instead going to stream a conversation with their team about the issues the community has. The line ‘That will appear on the Bungie Blog’, at least initially, just read as their usual process of hosting a live stream

Remember pre-internet days when companies didn’t have to put out mission statements for their game like its a white house press release?

Dear god whoever is going on that stream tomorrow is going up against a firing squad.