even though i can understand why, i still don’t actually understand why
even though i can understand why, i still don’t actually understand why
And then he died.
If I weren’t so outraged, I’d also remark on how outrageous my lack of outrageousness is...n’t(?)
How dare you enjoy a game on your own merits! I’m outraged at your lack of outrage.
I agree that I really can’t be bothered to share the moral outrage. If there are idiots out there that want to spend their rent money on loot crates... well... as callous as it seems, that’s their choice and I’m prepared to let them. I was brought up to believe that people are responsible for their choices. Not a…
From a personal perspective, I think P2W is silly. You are going to spend $200+ on a game you will probably not be playing in 6-12 months time. For me it would be a waste of money.
Honestly, I just don’t have enough time in the day anymore to share the moral burden of helping to “save” the gaming industry. I have no intention of spending a dime on loot crates, but if some shmuck wants to spend $100 so he can regenerate health 25% faster than I can, he can freaking have it. I enjoyed the first…
I’m happy to play more and more games on easy these days because who exactly am I trying to impress? The game devs? I don’t game online so I have no need to develop skills for that. I have enough challenges in day to day life, so it’s nice to have a little downtime where I just get to be an unstoppable badass for a…
I had to do the same thing with Uncharted 4. I played through the first three games on “Hard” and found it to be a challenging, but rewarding and fun experience. That fourth one, though? Ugh. Once it gets to a point where the game ceases to be fun, knocking the difficulty down a step is a completely justified…
This is probably going to come across the wrong way no matter how I many disclaimers I put on it but I can’t help asking- what exactly does an esports coach do?
Didn’t read the article, did you. He bought the PS4 used. Presumably, the roaches rode the PS4 in.
Unless you live in an apartment and at the mercy of your neighbors and complex.
I hate when people feel bad because they have bugs in their home, like they failed or something.
My mom dealt with that. She lived in the apartment I grew up in for 38 years without an issue. Then she got new neighbors and everything went to shit. Roaches almost immediately began springing up. It’s a cultural thing. Her new neighbors just didn’t give a damn about cleaning, at least not enough to keep roaches at…
I lived in a small apartment in NYC for several years. I wasn’t Better Homes & Gardens by any means, but I kept a very clean apartment.
We have the worst roach infestation a few years ago when the city didn’t do the spring pesticide spraying. They came out of everything, including electric sockets. It’s not just about how clean the house is, sometimes there are just roaches in the sockets, or the PS4 in this case.
Hah most likely. I think we can all agree on that, it will without a shadow of a doubt kill the sale
Can’t blame the wife for wanting to throw it away. The husband is a bit of a jerk for selling it in that condition though. He could of told the buyer it needed a cleaning from a professional at least. Though honestly, telling the purchaser that there’s an infestation of roaches will most likely kill the sale.