Mr Saturn

Spread your hatred elsewhere, you white supremacist trash.

hatred and intolerance are the only things being expressed in these conversations. Is that somehow more advanced? But you guys only like pointing that out in other people, and you don’t like it being pointed out in yourselves.

How so?

You already said that, clearly. I was looking for a good conversation. It’s pretty clear the majority here are just concerned with spouting off knee jerk reactions, rather than having a quaint conversation. Did our society all of a sudden lose its desire to Clearly you wouldn’t do that to someone in

I still don’t understand the harshness with which you are replying.

Why should I google when I can just ask the source? I’m looking for intelligent discourse from actual people. Are you unable to oblige?

I’m just curious why so many people on this chat forum are denouncing racism and bigotry by using racism and bigotry and hatred on each other. Doesn’t that seem counter productive?


Most people who have no argument don’t bother arguing their points.

It’s so easy to call someone a troll, just because they disagree with you or present a point that you don’t like or haven’t heard before.

Oh, you don’t like being accused of being racist? Poor baby.

I was wondering the same about you!

Sounds like a really bad assumption on your part, but that’s your choice!

You’re just as racist as the people you are pointing fingers at.

Have you spoken to all his supporters to find out for sure, or did you just hear it from a few of them at a time so you just are assuming all of them are racist?

Your heart is filled with such hate. I don’t understand.

Or you could try defending your point. Critical reasoning only applies when the other side actually presents something of worth.

You just sound so bitter in all your posts. How are you helping, by being so racist?

Don’t hold people responsible for actions they did not physically perform. And please remember that African tribes were selling their own people into slavery, if you want to bring up history at all. When the country was being formed, nobody that is alive today was there to make a decision about it. If I had a choice

I’ve never even heard of the place until this article, so please understand that there are people out there that don’t know things you know.