There’s quite a bit of shock value, considering the backlash.
There’s quite a bit of shock value, considering the backlash.
If someone laughed, they got the joke. If you don’t laugh, it’s still a joke to others. I actually didn’t need any context to get the joke and I laughed just the same.
If people laugh, it’s a joke. It doesn’t take a pro comedian to notice that.
You really need to get to know people, instead of pointing out one person and saying “see? They’re all like that!”
He doesn’t have to answer to you, quite frankly. The joke isn’t anti sematic. Pewd’s intent clears that right up.
It’s only anti Semitic when it’s acted upon. Quite being so sensitive.
Baby boomers were not the only people who put Trump in office. Do yourself a favor, and get over yourself. He’s the president now. Time to support him, whether you like him or not.
It also shows how sensitive our generation is. Do we really have to be so bothered by what PewDiePie says and does? Why put him on a pedestal?
The only Nazis here are the grammar Nazis.
Shut up, precious snowflake.
You’re the only person on here with any sense about you.
That’s not true. People don’t know jokes will be funny until they are made, so they can then see the response.
Just because you don’t get the joke, doesn’t make it “not a joke.” A joke in poor taste is still a joke.
Nobody gives a fuck about your hair.
Earthbound already saved our lives with hamburgers!
If you took the time to read their post on the matter, it’s actually pretty clear what they are planning on doing with it.
I’m happy with my slim. I improved performance and load times by installing an SSD. Best gaming related decision I ever made.
What the actual fuck are you talking about?
This game actually doesn’t look that good. I keep wondering if all the gaming websites are just trying to sell copies of the game by giving such glowing reviews. It looks so mediocre that I just can’t justify spending $60 on it.
Are you at all related to Mr. Literal? If I tell you to go jump off a bridge for writing that comment, will you? (Note, I hope you do not.) This is a joke article, and the whole joke went straight over your head.