The longer I hold onto my PS4, the longer I regret it. I was really looking forward to this game, especially for the mod support. What a freaking disappointing system to own.
The longer I hold onto my PS4, the longer I regret it. I was really looking forward to this game, especially for the mod support. What a freaking disappointing system to own.
You keep saying they are charging the companies, but the article above stated “a fee for patches.” Companies make patches, but consumers download patches. After scrutinizing the article, I couldn’t find any info either way that they are charging consumers or developers. From the way the above article words it, I’m…
I remember when Skyrim came out on PC, you could download a patch that gave you HD textures for free. Isn’t that right, Sony? Or did they forget that sort of thing already?
I would say you'd have to take it on a case by case basis. Some are scams, some deliver their promises, others are released but just don't end up being fun. Look at Mighty No. 9, for example.
Sounds like a certain Mega Man clone that was recently crowd funded.
That looks badass! Though, the music doesn’t even come close to the iconic sounds of F-Zero. It’s good, but not F-Zero good.
The only thing in a headlock, is your argument. I’m sorry, jokes aside, it was just an example of the sales reports. You can literally find many other websites and other sources of data with more “reputable” names that will ease your ego.
You got me at “potato.”
I think the question on everyone’s minds with regards to the PS4 Slim and Pro is, “Yeah, but can you fuck it?”
FaZe Clan? What a bunch of faggots.
Pushy poster is pushy!!
Hahaha, yay!!!
::slow clap::
It’s the start to the next big market trend. You can't look at something in its infancy and say it doesn't have good market penetration. Thinking of the long run, 4k will be the new standard and will be in more homes than you think. Remember, it's inevitible, due to how older technology gets phased out.
Old hat. 4K will be the new standard in 5-6 years, tops. 1080p will be phased out, just like everything else gets phased out. By then they’ll have 8k or some other ridiculous thing we don’t need.
And it'll be the new standard as hardware manufacturers phase out 1080p TVs!
I think in the next couple years, the PS4 Pro will become the standard, while the first gen and slim will be phased out.
Wow, 35" looks tiny? You must have it in a big room, I assume! My 35" looks huge, but it’s in a smaller room. What size is your room, give or take an inch?
I’m just giving an example of sales trends. You can literally look it up anywhere. Nice try, though. ;)