Know thyself. Then you won't waste 100 hours on something like that again.
Know thyself. Then you won't waste 100 hours on something like that again.
How the fuck would we tell the difference between a male or female rock golem or skeleton fiend? I never really even considered the gender of say, a dragon in an RPG, because it’s the least important detail the game has to offer in that context.
Yeah, it’s hitting all those important life topics such as female body type diversity in games.
Made exclusively for everyone? Am I the only one that noticed that stupid line? How do you exclusively include everyone?
As for the video itself, it really captures a great sense of speed. And the camera angles are very, very refined. It solves a lot of problems that moving at those speeds present. I really love the dynamic zooming out, and autocorrection the camera makes. What an amazing fan project!
What a shitty headline! “...we deserve.” Okay! What about “Fans Make a 3D Sonic Game That Feels Great” or “Fan Remake 3d Sonic Game Absolutely Nails It.” OMG we deserve this
I can understand that using natural disasters and other bad shit for the sake of monetization sounds scummy, BUT THAT’S WHAT THE CURRENT NEWS MEDIA DOES ON A DAILY BASIS. Don't you love double standards?!
That second patent reminds me of AOL Instant Messenger! Or email, in general. Messages for a specific audience? Shit, we better shit down this comments section because it sounds like patent #2...
None of the legacy consoles were ever advertised as having hardware revisions, so it would have been hard to know that say, the SNES had a hardware change.
Such a waste of time.
Both of the games you mentioned are for sale on Steam for PC, though.
My thoughts exactly. Sometimes Dragon Warrior 2 fights could turn sour very fast!
I use it strategically, but that's because the only ROG I play is either Dragon Warrior 2, or Earthbound. Both of those games require a good escape here and there!
What did they actually end up doing with the upgraded hardware, anyway? Weren’t there supposed to be a bunch of new games that utilized it, besides that crazy JRPG Chronicles X or whatever the fuck it was called?
Didn’t front flip into a sword slice not legit
It’s missing some soul, pun fully intended. It doesn’t capture the “dirtiness” that Artorias portrays. Too clean. Too safe. The detail on the helmet is fucking bonkers, though. That’s some good shit.
Ab Machine! I choose you!
If a game doesn't engage me in ten minutes, it's doing something wrong. Two hours without player engagement would be a travesty...but they're out's looking at you, first hour of FFXV...
When the game was first released on Steam, I set a 90 minute timer and played. In that time I rebuilt my ship and visited a couple planets and was left with what? Kind of feeling. Luckily, I got my refund because of my timer. You should learn from this fiasco, people! Don't take 50 hours to discover you like…