Mr. Saturn

That sounds like something else. This was a doll and cartoon from the early 90s. Or late 80s apparently. Must’ve had a long shelf life on Canadian morning TV.

He was in Doctor Strange!

That was actually Mafia!, and it was Lloyd Bridges, not Leslie Nielsen.

I am very amused by Tom Hardy’s dumb-guy Brooklyn accent, last seen in The Drop.

Hey cool guy, let’s speak English!

So is Callie from Battlestar Galactica next?

Not playing anything, but I’m writing a final paper on privacy in video games, which is mostly an excuse to cite Mario and Solid Snake in academia.

It’s not local, it’s a trend that’s been gaining steam over the last year. Brewery down the street from me has a series of fruited milkshake IPAs that sell out instantly on release.

Interesting response to Peggy Olsen’s acceptance of Scientology.

Did “Answer the Call” seriously get appended to the name of the movie after release?

Depending on the artist/venue I can get behind seats.

I’m here with the question everyone else has been asking: does the gorilla eat a toilet and vomit?

Really bummed out about this news. They were on my list of bands left to see.

Chester A. Arthur fall down!

As long as the Tick lives, I’m happy.

I’m the same, and I’ve come to conclude E’s just basically given all he has to give. The new stuff is fine, it’s just variations on a theme. I didn’t realize Cautionary Tales was a thing up until a few weeks ago.

Just got my copies of Wye Oak and Hop Along. It’s a strong release day. Young Galaxy has a new album out too.

He just wants his kids back.

[whispering to date while watching Chappaquiddick when Chappaquiddick first appears on the screen] That’s Chappaquiddick

Demi is one of the few must-follows on Twitter.