The rights to those are likely caught up with the animated series, which is why we got Batmanuel and Captain Liberty to begin with.
The rights to those are likely caught up with the animated series, which is why we got Batmanuel and Captain Liberty to begin with.
Hokay. I appreciate the coverage, but there have been a lot of lazy errors on these reviews.
Wrong section, ignore.
“The Gang Gets a Juicero”
From what I’ve read, there is no hub world. New Donk appears to be just one level.
No, still regular. Wouldn’t be as big a deal if my armor was upgraded, but reloading can be a pain. Maybe it’s just me. I can’t remember if I timed it with the initial flash or the final beep.
I mean, it’s a Mario game. You know what you’re getting. The hat’s much like the spin in Galaxy, I didn’t have much time to get used to the mechanic. I didn’t play the New Donk City level, I went with the Mexican one instead.
More Breath of the Wild. Still early, but I’ve been trying to take on guardians a lot. I had the timing down for the WiiU version, but for some reason I keep missing the perfect guard and dying horribly.
Yeah, I feel like they put out a Brand New album? Weird mix.
The M around his collar would suggest he changed his name, and the book cover from the previous episode is subtitled “a memoir by Midnight.”
Trivia: The dog is voiced by Townsend Coleman, the voice of the Tick in the animated series.
All of his Acting Masterclass bits are fantastic. Also, his all of the Beatles.
And something happens, do-do-do-do-do...
I don’t know how far reaching this trend is, but a local brewery (Bellwoods) has been putting out “milkshake IPAs” all summer. Basically, IPAs w/ lactose and conditioned on fruit. Some people think they’re an abomination, but I’m a fan.
I’m here. But still grey, I think.
Also: the stepdad played the Shredder in Secret of the Ooze!
Stannis being the exception to the rule.
He’s a zombie dragon. Who gives a shit about the logic of him being able to breathe fire?