Rattie Mattie

I just started playing Skyrim for the first time. Same with my husband, tho he had tried once before, got to the giant spider, and noped right out of there. He doesn’t do spiders. But after talking with our roomie, who has played Skyrim MANY times over, he went and found a No Spiders mod that replaces them with bears.

I will say this, IVF egg retrieval is done with iv sedation, not usually general anathesia where a ventilator is always used. Tho needing a vent is always a possibilty. 

Important note (rant, really) about pizza delivery drivers: TIP. Tip all your delivery drivers! My roomie works for Papa Johns, and she’s making the worst money she’s every seen. No one is tipping. It’s disgraceful. She’s terrified of the fact that she’s front line, visiting houses and there’s only so much sanitizing

We were backers and went to the very first Magiscola event by Learn Larp, and it’s still one of the best times me and my husband have had. It had it’s bumps, esp. since we were the very first weekend, and we were basically the chemistry set everything was being tested in. But there has ALWAYS been problems in the

I will say a LOT of people on my infertility boards are saying their cycles are being delayed or canceled. Some are being cancelled outright, mid cycle, and others are saying that they are being allowed to finish the current cycle but no new ones will be permitted at this time. It’s freaking out a lot of people, esp.

I don’t have to assume, it’s not only in my city, but my neighborhood. So I’m doing my best to not touch my face (the hardest thing, omg) and I’m washing my hands and using sanitizer. I work as a retail picture framer, which like any retail/food service job is going to have a higher risk due to the amount of random

I actually made a little TCH sound when I saw this article.

I guarantee you that there are a large amount of poor teenagers doing the ol’ TP pad. Menstrual pads are taxed as a luxury item, and not everyone can afford them. It’s why homeless and women’s shelters are always asking for pads, and why menstrual products are such a needed thing in prisons. So maybe they weren’t

THIS. So much this. The way he speaks and moves and comports himself suggests a mean man made meaner by dementia. 

UUUUUGGGHHHH if an embryo could actually be implanted on purpose, every IVF attempt would always work. Implantation of an embryo is almost fucking magic, it’s so esoteric in nature. The idea that you could reimplant an embryo is also fucking nuts. The placenta would certainly fucking bleed a woman out before anything

UUUUUGGGHHHH if an embryo could actually be implanted on purpose, every IVF attempt would always work. Implantation of an embryo is almost fucking magic, it’s so esoteric in nature. The idea that you could reimplant an embryo is also fucking nuts. The placenta would certainly fucking bleed a woman out before anything

This really deserves more stars

My first view of tiktok still remains my favorite: a girl in a wig and cosplay doing pew pew pew with a couple of chickens. I love it and I don't know why.

The NPR article I listened to this afternoon was talking about how the money was “laundered” and everyone was supposed to not ever say Epstien’s name in conjunction with the funding, and the funding was WAY more than was originally reported. Ito resigned cause of THAT. Why scrub Epstiens’s name off the money if there

The Outsider is phenomenal as an audiobook, and ties in to the Mr. Mercedes books by way of my favorite character. The reader is the same as the Mr. Mercedes books as well.

Not even a Millennial, but a Gen Z. Millennials are in their late 20's and 30's now. I’m technically a Millennial, tho I’m on the exact cusp, being born in 1980, and really identify in between Gen X and Millennial. All the new voters are the Gen Z crowd, and they are more progressive than Millennials.

If I know I’m gonna go get some meal that’s gonna be my entire day’s worth pf calories, I tend to adjust my other meals for the day accordingly. Those kind of meals are a seldom treat, something I know I’m indulging in on purpose. 

Funny thing is, I didn’t even think about compassion. I’m a pretty frank person, and a lot of my friends are also this way. We live the credo of Nothing Is Ever TMI. So after a bit of surprise, I kinda just rolled with it. I feel so much closer to my dad, and while I don’t really wish for these specific kinds of

He actually came to me about it and a few other things. it shocked me cause he was always the one who didn’t talk much about his feelings and such. Very midwestern, if you get my meaning. But after the shock, I was all wibbly to get to hear my father talk about himself. We’ve had several conversations since. I

I’ve been having rather frank conversations with my dad lately, about his Parkinson’s and how it’s been affecting him and mom and other things. I think other people would be squicked or freaked to have such conversations with their parent, but I feel really honored that he feels like he can talk to me about that and