mrs. jnorman

I opened myself up for criticism, but I will say that I have dealt with a dog with separation anexity—the dog I had for 14 years who passed away this spring. We moved apartments, and I took time off of work

Jumping in here. I’ve volunteered at a shelter for over five years (I clean the cat condos, train new volunteers and occasionally walk the dogs when the other SafeWalk volunteers and staff are overwhelmed), buuuuuuuuuuut I’m getting our new puppy from a breeder. We lost our 14-year-old beagle this spring to liver

They sell frozen ones just for that purpose!

It’s an Aussie Meat Pie. I’ve never had one myself, but Mr. Jnorman makes a weekly trek around the corner to KO Pies in South Boston for one of these. Yes, they should be covered in ketchup and Pizza Hut should not make them.

We didn’t do escort cards (waste of paper in my opinion), but we did put the table numbers on our favors so people knew roughly where they should sit.

Now playing

It already exists! Check out “Too Cute” on Animal Planet.

We got married last year. We knew our dog, Buster, was going to be at the wedding, so we put his name on the return address for our RSVPs. Our wedding website URL was:

Officially, I took my husband's last name. Unofficially, we're the Pougors. It was even part of our wedding hashtag.

Two things to know before this story begins: (1) none of it was my idea and (2) looking back getting sick was probably the best thing that could have happened.