
Alas, the closest i will likely ever come to owning one is the 1/24th scale Tamiya model I had when I was 15. That I turned into a space fighter.

Wow!!! They all look so..., ahh shit, what is word, oh, yeah, LAME!!!!

Don't hire your friends unless they are actually qualified to do the work.

This news... it maka me so sad.

I love how in the pic the wheels are all angled out.

Man, there is so much to like about Philly.

I love the diamond wipe.

That's flamenco, not salsa. Sorry.

what kind of tranny is that? it looks like mom's hyundai's autoshift thingy, but that can't be right, can it?

drewdraws2, I hear ya. Par for the course.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, my all time favorite to drive to is Return To Forever. But then, I'm a dork.

Oh, it was T-Birds. 1990. I think. You know sometimes. Almost always.

I saw fIREHOSE at this lttle bar in Asbury Park, NJ, but most of the crowd was there to see firehouse. Lamos.

Oh, man, I had this car! I bought it for twenty bucks, put a three hundred dollar tranny in it, and had it for about three months. The only way I can describe driving it was it was like riding a motorcycle, but in a car. A rickety motorcycle. It felt so fast at thirty, deadly at 55. Oh, and it was two tone.

OH MY GOD I"M SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Canter... hehe...

So, umm is Lambo gonna sue over this or what? It looks just like the Diablo.

it looks like the design was copied straight from the "how to design a supercar" textbook