
When can we buy land winds? RR is far too overpriced, but it looks nice.

Can I have the car PLEASE? Lol

I hope they have the new Progen T20!

Hmm, maybe this is why all of the people in their commercials keep crashing.

This is designed for the contemporary minimalist.

They need to bring back the Diamanté. A 5-series for the every-man...ok, fine, the cheap man.

I’ve read probably close to 10 articles mentioning gamergate. I still have no idea.

I assume many of these are seized vehicles? In America, we just sell our seizures at auction to help pay for inflated salaries so they can keep their hellcat at home.

That would make for a pretty sexy taxi/uber. Oh, wait, I forgot it sits a driver and his/her pet. My big dog would get in the back and be like, ‘WTF bro?’ (Full disclaimer: I don't own a big dog, nor could I afford a $40k Prius, my life sucks)

I used to hate Ford. Funny how they begin to make decent machinery once they stopped doing Ford things...I still hate Ford, but FCA makes them look better and better by the day.

Standard Temperature Pressure? I think it stands for that. I think I learned that in school. I think I went to school.

Regardless of whether they are into cars or not, I refer to them the same, “Get out of my way you [insert expletive] DOUCHE-NOZZLE!”

Please give us a NSFW before you post stuff like that ‘85 CRX, I just got an unexpected boner. The Pontiac Vibe took care of it though.

That doesn't look like a Buick!