Better question is WHO built up that debt?
Better question is WHO built up that debt?
Here buddy... Facts!
Honestly, nobody on gawker would take you comment as sarcasm. I apologize for jumping on you like that. But it was an ignorant comment. But it does go inline with what a lot of right winged americans actually DO say.
No the president has already fixed the economy and he's also cut the deficit down by more than 50%.
I was just thinking about this earlier today. I thought "wait, the only players that would get hit with this penalty would be black players.." Guys, like Riley Cooper only say such things in private or around other caucasians. So, can someone tell how this is supposed to help stop racism?
I can't argue with that. On a brighter note. I received an update preview code. Hopefully this build includes the updated twitch app.
Now why would MS do that when its mentioned as one of its main features?
Do you know if this affects people that signed in via Facebook?
No this just really pissed me off. I've hated EA since the whole NFL 2K5 shit went down. I made sure i got in on that class action lawsuit. And i spent my $65 with a smile.
I played PSO on xbox religiously. There was absolutely no subscription fees. All you needed was xbox live gold. Don't spread bs please. I would assume that MS takes a similar deal to what sony is taking. Even if it has to host the game on its own servers.
You just confused MS for good ol Sony. You must be a kid. Anyone thats been around since the ps2 days could tell you about Sonys shitty history with trying to keep consumer trapped in they eco system. Who do you think started this whole "Take over your entire living room" crap. Last time they tried it they failed and…
I think everyone here can agree with these words... Luuuuuke the force is not with you. Eat aaaa Dick.
Its THAT bad on PS4 as far as i can tell. Most of the time i don't even get sound. I wonder if best buy will let me exchange this game for a different title since this software if obviously defective.
Is anyone else worried about the use of the word RAPE in todays society. No ever sticks up for the wrongly accused. At least not publicly anyways. I mean people still call Kobe Bryant a rapist. Once all the crying wolf stops. I think thats when things will get better for actual rape victims.
Its called reality people. Quit crying and improve yourselves and your ideas. So that next your in front of a group of investors your prepared!! This guy was obviously not prepared. He was already given over a million on quick starter. Then he shows up on national television where he shows up with 2 other components…
Another misleading title. Kotaku and all of their pro sony fanboyism. Please make it stop.