Mr Ogny

Word. I’m constantly surprised that people don’t know or don’t care that he said Salman Rushdie should be killed as a blasphemer.

That Cat Stevens line was a joke, right? Because there are endless tales of his unholy douchiness.

Blacks are soooooo fucking whiny.

Grow the fuck up and live in the real fucking world. Or make your own safe space school where you can study Social Justice and Womens Studies and then complain that you have no job prospects and that there are to few women in STEM field.

This is what higher education have been reduced to. Petulant children complaining about other peoples ‘privilege’ all the while ignoring their studies at a top school that open so many doors for them and cost an arm and a foot. Fuck ‘em.

“We Are Loved” — no you’re not. You don’t have the slightest glimmer what Love is ..

Yale’s acceptance rate is 6.3%, they literally don’t want anyone. That’s the point. Exclusion is the entire basis of elite education. Exclusion and then proving your worth once there. Take that away, and they are just a random university. So, I’d be willing to bet that this exclusive environment may trickle down to

This is horseshit.

Sounds like you need some auditing to take care of those thetans.

I am speechless that anyone could possibly believe there is the ability to create a “safe place” for anyone, whether it be black, white, Latino, Asian, Jewish, Muslim or Christian. We were never meant to feel safe, we were meant to feel the instinctual necessity of survival in our hearts. In order to live we must live

I think that a lot of the “general public” is mixing up some of these issues because of the vocabulary used.

The media writes clickbait articles about undergrads who consider gendered pronouns to be microaggressions and demand trigger warnings on syllabi containing classic literature, all in the name of creating a

Wow, and thats not racist at all.

“At this point, it doesn’t matter whether or not an SAE member said “white girls only”

What an unmitigated load of crap. Safe space?!? Micro-aggressions?!? I have no doubt that racism exists at Yale and every other campus, as it does everywhere. However, we are witnessing the maturation of the “Everybody Gets a Paricipation Trophy” generation. This bunch of spoiled, coddled, time-out kids who think that

It’s good to see Gawker is making its anti-First Amendment position open and obvious for all to see and evaluate.

So were the faculty supposed to cry and lose control of their bodies in response? It is entirely unclear what kind of response would have made the students happy in that situation, and I would rather the faculty take it seriously and think of ways to fix the problems rather than just have a big cry together.

Please articulate the discrimination they are facing. Thanks.

“People were having breakdowns in this room. People were out of control of their bodies,”

I think empathy also doesn’t equate with an outright emotional reaction, so I’m hoping (and would suspect) the reps would exhibit empathy in more stable forms than an outburst. Obviously, it varies from person to person, but I don’t think my own stints in therapy would have been productive if my therapist hadn’t been

I went to college when I was 30 and began with some of the same incredulity I see from a lot of these commenters, having traveled a bit and taken care of myself since I was 17. They just seemed ridiculous to me. Over time, working and studying with them, I became a lot more forgiving. Adults, in my opinion, tend to