
This was probably during one of BamBam's many stints in rehab.

I admit I'm surprised that the takeaway everyone has from the delicensing of MP3 is "it's dead" and not "holy shit it's completely free to use now!" The license fees were a big deal for developers for a while.

Well that escalated quickly.

Our long national nightmare is finally over.

No one who speaks Afrikaans could be evil!

I believe it is called "svið." You don't see it on a ton of menus outside of special occasions.

I bought the first album on the strength of "Coffee" and loved it…for about three weeks. Now I just skip past anything of theirs when it comes up in a shuffle or a playlist. It might have been the oversaturation of the painfully twee HSKT that pushed me over the edge.

Oh yes! Although I think the staff of Whiskies Of The World is starting to wise up. Last time they used the lubricating properties of the samples to convince my friend to buy an eye-wateringly expensive Laugavulin 30.

My favorite thing was listening to my GPS trying to pronounce Icelandic street names.

The duty free at Keflavik is kind of nuts. It's like 30% of the airport.

I've had lamb in a bunch of countries famous for their native lamb, and Iceland was just on another level.

Well, I went primarily for the scenery too, but was pleasantly surprised by how much the food scene has come together. The first time I went it was extraordinarily dire, but really got its shit together in the past few years. Even in tiny towns like Vik, we found pretty impressive stuff.

Dunno when you were last there but in the past decade or so they *really* got their restaurant scene together. Dill got a Michelin star. Kol, Apotek, Restaurant Berg, Tryggvaskali…all are pretty damn great.

Legend is awesome.

Fun fact: hákarl, while the supposed quintessential Icelandic dish, is made from Greenland shark, which now can only be imported from Greenland (since you can't fish for it legally in Iceland).

The fact that a hotdog is like $1.30 might be the reason everyone loves it, since everything other than cod jerky is like $15.


Dunno if I'd call them the best in the world, but they're pretty good, and seem to fit in well with the whole experience. The actual sausages are pretty good too on their own.

Skip it. It's fairly nasty (not quite as bad as everyone says, but pretty bad) but worse it's gotten stupidly expensive. I mean if you wanna spend $20 on something you already know you won't like and even the locals ignore, that's you're prerogative, but that money could be far better spent on a plate of Icelandic

That was the museum where I discovered that a whale dong is taller than my wife.