
If you vote CP, leave and never return because are not a true Jalopnik member, only a scab that refuses absolute NP as a sick joke thats not funny but gets you off in some sadistic and scabby sort of way.

How many car companies now-a-days can still be considered “bonkers”. Appreciate while it lasts guys.

I bet he did net see that coming

Curse you non body colored pillars!

“within the last 4K-miles its has seen $1,500 in work done to it.”=this thing is so unreliable and on its last leg that I need to resell to recoup my repair costs.

The only way to make this any worse is if you put a beer instead.

I think im in love


Think about it this way, buy it for 900 then spend god knows what fixing pretty much everything.

Its a Mullet on four wheels! NP as long as theres NASCAR to watch and Budweisers to shotgun.

I want the car but not all the issues that come with it. Sadly CP.

Oh god, it looks like a kit car drawn up by a drunk kindergardener

Talk it down to 8000 and then do a mild restoration would make this a wet dream.

Goes on top of my reasons why I love Jalopnik

Ford Focus RS500 anyone?

Its so nice but theres so many better cars you can get at that price so Ill sadly go CP.

This is the only Probe that’ll get a NP in my book

Saab Eleanor?

Its one of those cars where its so strange and ugly that it becomes nice looking.

I like Cobras but I don’t like Frankencars. CP