
As a San Franciscan, I have seen first-hand that these "Parklets" are a total joke. First off, the take up what few parking spaces are available here and secondly, they are mainly being used by the homeless as beds/restrooms. Our former Mayor Willie Brown has been outspoken about how terrible they are and many

no, one of those 3.5 inch handhelds.

I'm never a fan of tech products growing in size, but I'm sure they'll make it work. Are there photos that better show the actual difference in height? I feel like that angle is a it deceiving.

Its all fun and games until someone leaves an upper-decker

Or they could have named it "airPNP"

So basically airbnb went to shit?

The only way I'm ok with this if he edits out JarJar Binks from all the other movies.

here is my favorite quote from the CNET article:

huh? the only thing I realized by watching this is that there is a shit-ton of water on this planet.

Are you kidding me? This guy wrote a book on how to execute PR stunts and has his own PR firm!

Great, but does it come in extra large?

only thing worse than that is a Thankle... a Thigh/Ankle

Welcome to this website (and pretty much every tech site).

He is going to be really pissed when the 5 comes out

It's been 10 years and I fucking still can't get into Dorsia...

Good one... I think his could have used more explosions

I've never been more embarrassed to be a Jew. Oy.

you have some serious issues you need to deal with. The only reason I voiced that is because a lot of comments appeared to be from people who think it could be real and it's annoying that Giz would even post something that is so unbelievably fake. Chill out and troll somewhere else.

nice one!

bird flu... or SARS