
What a sackless show. The right thing to do here is to take Norm to task for the shitty things he said. But Fallon is incapable of an interview that involves something other playing air guitar, tousling hair and giggling.

What a world. Someone generates controversy and so a talk show cancels his already-scheduled appearance. (!)

Damnit, Luke. I don’t like feeling old!

Can someone explain why this wasn’t found and patched day one? Seems like they knew enemy ai was a problem..

Now playing

the reveal trailer had me so excited when it showed :( 

“For whatever reason, a lot of the early superhero movies were also superhero-movie parodies. Before the genre was fully formed—before it was even close to fully formed—movies were using it as grist for jokes.”

This review is stupid. “Mystery Men” is a goddamn classic.

Paris is only racist if your light brown and wear a burka

Nobody called the police on the suspicious black man scaling the balconies of a residential building? I mean, they didn’t even send him packing when they found out he was from one of them shit-hole countries!

I think that you’re the first person on the internet to ever say that.

My first instinct was to say how unnecessary this was. Then I thought about it while reading and came to the conclusion that this doesn’t affect me at all so why not. Seems cool if you’ll use it.

OH hey! We found that guy.

It doesn’t say they’re not putting generations old games on the Switch. It just says they don’t have any plans for Virtual Console™. It’s super important to remember that Virtual Console was just the branding and advertising that encompassed that particular approach Nintendo used at the time for releasing games. It’s

Ok my bad, being a huge nerd FunSpot cemented my love for games and gaming culture. Something that I’ve been trying to pass on, and unfortunately there’s no Dave and busters or even arcades up here anymore. I met Billy at FunSpot during the classic gaming expo in 03 or 04. I had no idea who he was at the time. I

This is the true crime in this story.

I honestly think that all this shit is worse than the suicide forest stuff:

And that’s the part about Jackass (and CKY before it) that everyone completely was performance art. It was moronic, incredibly juvenile performance art (which I happen to think is hysterically funny and the reason it was so successful), but it was performance art, nonetheless.

This bullshit here, with this

Good first step, but not enough. I don’t wanna see this little shit uploading anything onto YT ever again AND I want his existing shit gone.

I remember EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly) was my Go To magazine because I trusted their game reviews and 90% of their rumors ended up being true.

Correction: Cuts all his remaining, non-mechanical limbs.