
She was rightly taking the piss.

If I was Biden, I would have the entire White House sprayed with bleach and allowed to air out for a week before I set foot in it.

We’re about done with the Trump lawsuits. It’s not completely over, but the last real door slammed this afternoon.

Sorry to hear about your mother falling ill, Erik. Obviously I definitely wish her a speedy recovery.

The GOP majority on this committee apparently blocked all efforts to swear in witnesses, so none of the statements were under oath. Gee, I wonder why?

This isn’t an attempted coup at this point. But it is sedition.

Stupid is as stupid does.

It’s a pardon for all offenses he may have committed prior to the pardon. It doesn’t protect him from prosecution for any new offenses.

For them, it’s not real, and it won’t be real until it hits them close to home.

If they went face to face with professional troops the chaos would be exceeded only by the brevity of the fight.

People shit talk her, but I've always liked Ann Hathaway. She's talented, gorgeous, and from this at least, seems to be a decent person.

How Trump thought his presidency would go.

I’m in Ireland I’ll be up all of my night gaming with US based friends to try and help them not spiral.

I'm planning on getting SUPER HIGH and enjoying a nice hot bath tomorrow night. Hopefully when I come down I'll get to enjoy some good news.

I’m grocery shopping tonight (the best time in my opinion is at like, 9pm) and most of my list will consist of booze. ALL THE BOOZE.

Has Merriam-Webster made ‘doom scrolling’ a word (phrase?) yet? If not, I assume it will be there eventually. I hate it so much and it’s so hard to avoid.

You, me, and a few million people, my friend.

I’m also amazed that it took a global pandemic for “wash your hands” and “don’t touch things in public then put your fingers in your mouth/ears/eyes” to become mainstream advice. 

This is how he negotiates, this is exactly what he does with contractors, he threatens to withhold payment until he gets what he wants. The problem is that even when he gets what he wants, he still doesn’t pay.

This isn’t for an “audience”, he’s trying to bully people into voting for him. It seems stupid to those of