That’s probably true for house sound guys but I mostly know touring audio people who spend one or 2 nights in a venue. They don’t have time or interest in learning the nuances of a particular venue so they’re mixing for where they are. Which is why at a concert (when I’m not with my gf who insists on being up front in…
They’d rather lose to Trump than have Bernie win. These people are fucking ghouls, who care more about their money than the welfare of their country.
The older I get, the more often I find the answer is just capitalism.
If you can’t afford to tip 20% then you can’t afford to eat out.
But we currently inhabit the world where servers and other folks are not paid a decent wage, so...tip.
Refutation of point 1:
I’m not gonna see it, but I'm also not going to take your word for it
You don’t go to Subway; you end up at Subway.
I prefer to avoid the president question during my neuro exams since trump but if I have to ask it and the patient shows total disgust, I’m like “yep totally oriented!”
I’m so sorry my love, and I relate. Last year my Mom ended up on life support with pneumonia for two and a half weeks. When she finally came around and had to have ‘the questions’ she also responded to the president question with UGH and when told she had to say it she said “I suppose it’s still fucking Trump unless…
I recently took Amtrak for the first time returning home from central IL to east TX. It’s an 11-12 hour drive, a 4-6 hour flight with a connection (or a considerably larger ask for a friend on the other end to come pick me up in DFW), and a ~17-hour train ride. The train actually takes me right to the small town I…
Gun violence creates nihilists. This is my personal experience and belief. If ever someone holds a gun to your head and you survive, there is a lingering feeling that nothing matters and you can’t control anything at all. It is a feeling that can last forever without the right help, and maybe even with it. I’m so…
$300M is nothing. You could barely build a few prototype drivetrains for that. This is non-news, get back to us when they’re investing $3B.
In hindsight it’s pretty clear that Trump’s 2015 “I like people who don’t get caught” comment about McCain was a watershed moment for the GOP. Until that point, Trump had of course said a lot of horrible and stupid things, but he hadn’t really attacked and disgraced anything that the GOP held as absolute sacrosanct.
All he wanted was a Diet Coke, and she wouldn’t give it to him.
I used to read about Bjork’s shenanigans and think “wow, that’s cool.” Then I’d read about Gaga and think “ok...weird, but whatever.” Now I read about this and by the end of the article I’m not so much thinking anything, as I am realizing that my face is involuntarily doing this strange kind of Clint Eastwood thing.
Fox is a propaganda organ. Anyone who is going on there to play “the loyal opposition” is just a punching bag, doomed to failure.
This is dumb because the ratio of breading to meat is wrong on a giant nugget/tender.
It's the expectation of the spoiled brat.