
What a time to be alive. With each day that passes, conservatives look more and more like they dream of living in an authoritarian state. It’s the fucking weirdest thing. Undying fealty to their leader, never question authority, pledge allegiance and respect to “patriotic” objects, look to Russia with respect, don’t

Now playing

At least since the ascent of CMT and the extreme corniness and facile hyper-capitalism of its current stars. Back in the day you could actually believe Johnny Cash and Loretta Lynn had opinions on things and wouldn’t let some milquetoast network executive shut them up.

No, dammit. If the lane ends in 1 mile, there is NO reason for you to merge over 1 mile early. Everyone just drove at the same damn speed, then zipper merged, it would not create as much traffic. So, instead, you have a 3 mile backup because everyone immediately dives in to the open lane as soon as they see that the

The answer is, and indeed shall forever be, zipper merge. Go to the merge point, people. Don’t merge before that, you dolts.

Keep right except to pass. (Even if there are 3 or more lanes, stay to the right, not the middle.)

It’s a problem because of liabilities more than viewership I’d imagine

No comment on platform, but I wouldn’t consider an app a “scanner” unless it did the cropping, leveling, skewing, white balance adjustment, and resizing automatically to make standard size scans that are business suitable. OCR is also a big plus to have, but not a deal breaker if not available.

I guess it’s just unreasonable to expect that someone should be able to earn enough at an occupation to survive.

Someone else said it much better than I.

Right. I think articles like this have a lot of denialism about how many consumers actually want to avoid interacting with people while doing routine tasks (and overstating how pleasant those interactions are). I also think there’s a weird failure to acknowledge the gender and racial components that can make these

There will always be humans who want to do this job, though. What are we supposed to do when every route to excitement has been sanitised into a desk job?

If I’m going to be outside in the sun, I’m wearing a hat because it’s better than glopping zinc oxide on the bald spot and what’s thinning. If I’ve been wearing a hat and end up inside somewhere, the hat stays on because I’ll have hat hair with what’s left and what else am I supposed to do with it? Carry it around in

also, someone who once governed a state with a huge KKK presence? sure!

At some point President Obama is coming back for us, right?

It’s not really a surprise to anyone, is it? This is pretty much the obvious destination of the path Newt Gingrich put the Republican Party on back in the 1990s, when he sold Republicans on the idea that governmental dysfunction could be used to “defeat” the Democrats and earn a permanent Republican majority. That

Let’s be really, really real, here.

It’s just another case of corporatism. The only reason people can go to a showroom and even buy a Ferrari is because Enzo needed cash to support the race team, not the other way around. Everyone has to answer to shitty shareholders and Wall St. Case in point, Apple capitulating to China in taking VPN off of the app

“I’m a woman, I’ve been attacked by that show multiple times, but I don’t cry foul because of it,” Sanders added, as she cried foul.

In fairness to Spicey, he is working as chief turd polisher to an administration that is spewing out very liquidy diarrhea from every orifice. Maybe someone else could have done better, but anyone savvy enough to do that would have been savvy enough not to try in the first place.

Difference is those guys were all white.