
Ya, well, to be clear I’m a Moderna man (fully vaxxed) and I was just genuinely confused as to why they’d approve a booster when they haven’t given the vaccine full approval yet. But what you said makes sense. And since I work at a library I’m hoping I can get the booster. Will be asking my PCP at my annual next

Has the Moderna vaccine been approved yet? I know the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is but I haven’t heard anything about the Moderna vaccine receiving approval yet. Seems weird they are approving a Moderna booster without having approved the vaccine yet.

Overwhelmingly, Americans only give a shit about themselves and not other Americans. So it should not be surprising that they don’t give a shit about people in other countries.

This is what I’ve pretty much boiled it down to. Go back just 10 or so years and what comedians said at a show didn’t really reach as many people as they do now. And now everyone has access to a platform that amplifies their voices. So, whereas before, all comedians really heard was people laughing at everything they

Your header image is not of motion picture film. That is a negative strip of still camera film. Sorry, I work with film and so this just stuck out to me and I have to say something. And anyway, most of those old porn films were shot on 16mm, so using 35mm still camera film for the image is even more wrong. :)

I’ve always wondered why those portrayals persist within an industry that has a lot of Jewish people working in it (particularly as producers and directors). Is it really just pandering to the white bread audience (as you suggest) to make sure that their feelings of supremacy aren’t offended? Maybe Woody Allen bears

As someone preparing to move, I have two comments on the header photo. 1) That is a HUGE box of books that, assuming it is full, will be basically unmovable. 2) The box full of books is made for lamp shades and linens (according to what is printed on the box) so it is very likely that when it is picked up (or moved, I

We’re really not going to stop until this planet is an uninhabitable rock.

I had to go back and look up what that meant.

Ya, I’m aware that the big three are not overly represented. I’m just saying (inelegantly I admit) that the Emmys (or the Oscars) can’t possibly represent “quality media” because of the sheer quantity of content that is out there.

I think it is important to remember that the Emmy awards given out say more about the Television Academy than anything (or anyone) else. Part of the problem is that we, the general consuming public, give these types of awards the kind of power to discriminate taste, or what is good, as opposed to making up our own

So what type of person are these suggestions really for? Can a single mother raising two kids really just up and make a career change? What resources does she need to have to be able to do that? Traveling to broaden horizons sounds great, but who can afford to do that?

A “supposedly” feminist site.

I believe the cliche is, “A conservative is a liberal who got mugged.”

Like no time before, the years of the Trump presidency gave us a really good understanding of the degree to which American society was filled with horrible, deeply selfish people. The pandemic upped the stakes and showed just how much worse it really is.

Meh. I have little faith the people buying his products (Teslas, Powerwalls, Solar Roof, Starlink) care that deeply or that there are enough of the ones who do care to make a difference. Losing a NASA contract, that’d do it. But that’s not gonna happen. In fact, I bet he’ll even get approval to build his boring tunnel

The rich don’t give a shit about things that don’t affect their money or themselves personally. The Elons of Texas will always have access to the abortions they may need.

I thought the Royals in general were universally disliked. I guess Harry and Meghan are even more disliked? I’m really curious specifically what it is about them that makes them more reprehensible than any of the others. I mean, they pretty much laid it out that the Royal Family is a toxic mess, I thought that’s what

Where the fuck are all those “my body my choice” anti-maskers, anti-vaxers now?

In a week and a half I have a flight on American departing from a central Texas city to get me to California. Other factors combined with the fact that I have zero confidence they will get me to my connecting flight on time and thus strand me in Phoenix, I’ve decided to drive for 3 days instead. I’m going to hold