
In looking at all the comments below this very simple and flat out accurate one, I have to say that it seems waaayyy too many people are so deeply buried in capitalist ideology that they cannot even conceive of the idea of looking at this economic system critically. At all. Full stop. Even ardent supporters of a

The impression I’ve gotten my whole life is that, for the most part, rich people are joyless fucks. 

I particularly liked his reaction to “I’ve been a fan since birth!”

Welcome to Texas, where your rights as an individual or a business extend only as far as they align with the beliefs of the individuals running the State government.

Thank you. 

Ya. I was extremely upset at how the hospital/doctors handled diagnosing her. For the most part they attributed her symptoms to old age (she was 73). I don’t know when she told them about how things were tasting weird. When she was first going in for her balance problem, every specialist she saw kept asking her if she

Damn typo in my original post. February 2018 should be February 2017. It all happened real fast. 

No. The symptoms went from difficulty walking because of poor balance, then I noticed a slight slurring to her speech, then she told me food started tasting funny, like metalic. Then all of these symptoms got worse and quick. So far as I remember she never complained about a problem with her vision.

The Barbara Bush story reminds me of a story about my mom.

Fondant is the perfect analog of American culture: Style over substance. Surface over depth. A veneer to hide the ugliness.  

You know what else it doesn’t exonerate him of? Being a horrible president. Being a racist provocateur. Being an all around terrible human being, in every way possible. Who cares what this report says? Anyone who thought this report was going to reveal some kind of smoking gun on Trump has been deluding themselves.

Who needs that loathsome prick when Hearst is back.

Ya, this is fine. However, I will counter that the Steak au Poivre and gratin dauphinois are extemely easy and absolutely amazing recipes to make from that book and they make an excellent meal. The steak recipe calls for veal stock and a dash of demi-glace. DO NOT work around this! While demi-glace may be rough for

I have nothing to add on Kelly’s story per se, but for fucking crissakes when are we going to get serious about treating mental health as the biological problem that it is? It seems that as a culture we are so ingrained with this “individual responsibilty” bullshit we are loathe to act as a society to help people with

S3XY. The dude is socially 14 years old.

I don’t know. It is hard to feel sympathy for them, they don’t exactly have a shitty job. And in the end, I can’t help but think that all of that exhaustion and frustration is actually going to play well on screen and make the performances just that much more realistic. After all, at this point in the story, their

I was on a relatively short flight (around 4 hours) once and there was a baby at the front of the plane pretty much screaming the entire flight. The parents were doing all they could to calm the child, even the flight attendants pitched in to try and help, but nothing was working. That entire flight I just felt bad

I have a hard time with the argument that the Academy needs to adjust to the Netflix model instead of the other way around. This whole thing isn’t a one way street. Arguing that the Academy needs to get on board with the Netflix model of distribution is akin to arguing that cities need to get on board with the Amazon

Coming from a family whose dad’s company had contracts overseas, I’ve been flying all my life. I’ve had a few incidents with rough turbulence, but nothing to stoke a fear of flying or make me think I was going to die. Until that one time I was on a plane landing in Salt Lake City. That plane was trying to descend, but

Fuck. Ya. Spike. Lee.