The toaster oven is key, absolutely (I have the Breville). I can easily fit 4 slices of bacon on a 1/4 sheet pan lined with aluminum foil. Oven heats up to 425 quick, low mess cooking and in 10 minutes I have perfectly cooked bacon.
The toaster oven is key, absolutely (I have the Breville). I can easily fit 4 slices of bacon on a 1/4 sheet pan lined with aluminum foil. Oven heats up to 425 quick, low mess cooking and in 10 minutes I have perfectly cooked bacon.
Counting from the first time the car is upside down, it does 9 full rotations after that. Easy to count in the slo-mo portion of the video.
Commenting on that photo: If was camping and some asshole was watching (and listening to) a concert on the side of their tent I’d go ballistic. Don’t give inconsiderate campers any more ideas on how to ruin a peaceful night for those around them.
Commenting on that photo: If was camping and some asshole was watching (and listening to) a concert on the side of…
The social and political cultures of the United States could have never fully jumped the shark without social media. This country has become one fucking long, sad joke.
Rand Paul is a traitor who takes the side (and who knows what else) of a hostile, foreign government.
Unfriended: Dark Web was at SXSW. Not this one.
I don’t know about any of this shit but I’ve always thought that naming the models of the cars your company produces to spell out “sexy” is about on the level of a 14 year old boy.
Mr. West’s money and fame insulate him from Trump’s and the GOP’s agenda. And in return for not caring to oppose them, he gets a big fat tax cut.
No visit to the Texas State Fair is complete (or worthwhile) without a Fletcher’s. I generally start my day with one, then with beer I’ll have another. If I’m feeling particularly gluttonous, I’ll have a last one before I leave (i.e. roll myself out of Fair Park). Despite all the other insane (an occasionally good)…
Americans want abortion rights, goddamnit!
an immediate bidding war which was ultimately won by Neon, who tends to release movies that are tonally and aesthetically similar to A24's, but considerably less good.
If theres one thing this country is good at producing other than consumer waste, it is terrorists. So I wouldnt be surprised if these kids who were ripped from their parents arms and put in cages grow up to violently hate the United States. And from the conservative’s perspective that’s just fine because it just…
We’re nowhere near the bottom yet.
RE: Dick Cheney, how about we waterboard that motherfucker until he admits he is a war criminal. Then we’ll see what he thinks about torture.
As I said yesterday, I have my doubts, especially in the event of an oil spike or another economic downturn. But we will see what happens.
The mental contortions evangelicals would have to do to be able to continue supporting Trump would be biblical (pun intended).
Some people have a really hard time with ambiguity or texts that are obtuse and invite thought and discussion. I suspect it is because these types of texts are threatening to them. So instead, people like this tend to want things delivered to them with little thought needed to understand them, spoon fed formulas and…
We should be pretty clear here, ever since television station owners decided that they should be making money off of the airtime devoted to news coverage (some time in the 50s?), news content has been controlled by corporate and commercial interests. It has always been more or less a kind of implied control because it…
This really is the GOP/American Conservatives laid bare. Kids take note: They don’t care about your lives, they don’t think you should have a say in anything at all. Remember this when you turn 18.
Middle America is getting into the White House Reality Show.