
I’m willing to bet Tormund is still alive. I was watching the collapse of the wall closely and you can see it collapsing towards the sea from the spot where the dragon destroyed it. I assumed that Tormund was on the side that didn’t collapse. Of course, by not showing him again after the collapse of the wall it could

Using Topo instead of club soda makes the best damned Tom Collins I’ve ever had. This might be true for other drinks with club soda, but I have yet to get past the Topo Tom Collins.

Option C, she didn’t ask in the first place and is making shit up.

Everyone and their dog has a Subaru in Austin.

The dealership I bought my Subaru from harasses me monthly to sell them my 2015 Crosstrek, mostly via mailer but a couple weeks ago one of their salesmen actually emailed me. They keep saying “we need more of your car on our lot!” They can shove it. I love my Crosstrek and I’m not taking a sucker deal and giving it to

This administration =

I never remember if I locked the door. How do I take a picture of that?

This is meaningless. He’ll still vote Republican and all the Republicans know it.

These fuckers don’t give a shit about anything but money. Not. One. God. Damned. Thing. The environment. Not people. Not the planet. Not. One. God. Damned. Thing.

Our only hope:

This is key. Putting on is less of a problem than the temptation to slide or pull knife off. I’ve gotten into the habit of twisting my knives off the magnet by the spine. I love the magnet.

Fuck that piece of shit. I’m glad he’s dead. The world will be a better place without him.

I’m just going to leave this right here:

Everyone involved with the Trump regime and the Republican party lies, lies, and lies. They lie about their corruption and they lie about their intentions, and they lie about their lies. That they have the “most watched cable news network” (aka Fox News) backing them up, defending their lies and defending their

A couple of years ago my girlfriend lost her mom to a brain aneurysm, three months ago my best friend lost his mom to a complication from routine surgery, and six weeks ago I lost my mom to a rare form of brain cancer. The three of us are getting together this coming mothers day to do things we would have liked to

I’m gonna guess he’s involved in some kind of corruption (maybe even related to Russia). Anyone who has even remotely kissed Trump’s ass is going to get caught up in the most corrupt administration in the modern age. There’s also the possibility that he’s going to be the fall guy for something, and has been promised

I think it was, “Blessed are the cheesemakers.”

This presidency is a joke and dipshits like these are the punchline.

We set up a powerpoint presentation and adjusted the projector we used for preshow so it would hit masking under the screen. We got a roll of white butcher paper and stuck it to the masking.

Absolutely. And you know what would have been even easier? That stupid manager telling the projectionist to get the damned keys and arranging a screening for that group later in the day or another day they could all make it. This is incompetence 101 and I hope that manager and that company learn from the shit storm