Mr. MegaManFan
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Looks pretty cool, though I must profess that my 56-year old arms would probably drop off playing it (PlayStation Move controllers, I assume?).

Life in Aggro was pretty cute today. It’s so weird getting legible and understandable comics from that series multiple weeks in a row.

Lol! I see Andy Richter instead.

In the first Kingdom Hearts, there are postcards hidden randomly throughout the hub town. Mailing them gets you a prize for each one, and many of the prizes are very good, especially for early in the game. Some of the last ones you find are on roofs near the top of the town, this would be a humorous reasoning for why

There’s an age-old saying: “Pics or it didn’t happen.” You had your opportunity to shine.

Double XP was the funniest comic this week imo, wasn’t expecting Lavos lmao

(GamerCat) My buddy did the exact same thing with Pokemon when it first came out and he was a kid - caught every Pidgey/Rattata because he assumed there was a finite number and he knew the goal was to catch em all.

Huzzah! GamerCat is back! Our persistence has paid off!

Thanks for bringing The GaMERCaT back Cameron.

My friend’s mom had a novelty store when these came out. She had - literal cases - of shrinkwrapped 1st edition boxes. I BEGGED to have at least one so I could keep it shrinkwrapped, because I collected Pokemon stuff. You see, when I was like 11, I didn’t have the ~$100+ for a whole box. But especially since I didn’t

What’s awesome is that when asked, he can say his full name verbatim without skipping a beat.  I saw the guy do it when at the Mystery Anime Theater 9001 event on Saturday, he said it in front of the whole room when asked by Tom and the crowd went nuts.

Honest question. Why won’t you bring back Gamer Cat? And remove Nerd Rage? I’m genuinely puzzled why this isn’t happening, despite all the weekly requests for it, and would like to know the reasoning behind it.

My favorite part of Sunday Comics is when someone posts Gamer Cat in the comments.

New Gamercat from her site, so maybe hop over there and give her some site traffic.

Here you go.