Mr. MegaManFan

You know that’s probably a better fit. AztecaMan it is!

It immediately made me think of a pyramid for some reason (maybe the stacked up stones did it) so I started calling it EgyptMan.

7 grams of gold is $217. That’s expensive, but given plastic and paper cost nothing to produce, that’s at least $1,000 profit per bundle. Well played Capcom.

We can post about it in the Miiverse. Oh wait...

Yeezus yimminy Yumpin’ Flash, I don’t even have time for all the PHYSICAL games I own, let alone the amount of asset flip games being dumped on Steam like New York City garbage on a barge. No thanks. This isn’t better than Greenlight, it’s ten thousand times worse. Now anybody who can scrape up enough money to buy

Unintentionally I feel like this article/editorial ends up responding to Jim Sterling’s recent “1 out of 10" review, and even though he decided he’d made a mistake and needs to redo it, I think he made a point in the most effective way possible - the game was broken and for him unplayable “on that day” even if they

If I was a Pokemon Go player this is the exact sort of thing I’d do - pit hapless characters against each other to see who loses first. I <3 this video.

I don’t want “the dude from” Hyper Light Drifter, I want HYPER LIGHT DRIFTER.

That’s... pretty awful. Obviously even the one +almost+ good review I read was wrong.

So even that would be a bust then. Oh well. :/

I’m glad you guys are actually waiting to do a review, because as the article indicates most of them said it was “hot garbage,” and one even said you should only buy it for the controllers and then throw it away so... I was hoping for another take because if it worked RIGHT it’s something I’d want.

Thanks Shep! I had been wanting one of these for a while and $33 was the right price for me to get on board.

Thanks Shep! I had been wanting one of these for a while and $33 was the right price for me to get on board.

I almost sent them my left Joycon this weekend when it wouldn’t connect to my Switch or charge... but then a simple resync fixed everything. Go figure.

“Baker’s time on the show as the Fifth Doctor...” no, Sixth. Hartnell, Troughton, Pertwee, Baker, Davison, OTHER Baker, McCoy, McGann, (Hurt), Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker. That’s your order. (Hurt was inserted via retcon so he isn’t always included as a numbered Doctor.)

Everything in this article is why I cancelled my pre-order before it shipped. I was concerned the game would be initially fun and have no depth long term and you punched that nail right on the head.

Oceanside and Sunnyvale are about 7 hours apart, which makes it improbable BUT NOT IMPOSSIBLE for this find to occur. Similar things have happened in the Pacific Northwest with rare and unreleased Nintendo stuff being found in Tacoma and Portland.

Do you have those jelly donut filled Oreos in your beard? ;) JK because actually it looks bad ass and I’m a bit envious.

I’m pissed and have nothing profound to say. I’m just pissed.

At this point I’ll just be happy to get the rest of my s—t and be done with Mighty No. 9 forever. Send me the ugly manual and the box I have to assemble myself and let’s be done with it.

Let me step aside. There’s a stampede of Nintendo lawyers heading this way and I don’t want to get trampled.