
It's finished.  The game is so perfect that Sony is worried that people won't need to buy any more games after they play it so they are keeping off the shelves while they sell lesser games to the masses.  There do conduct closed room playthroughs for high level executives, their families and for top Japanese

You don't need to commit to the spin offs to start on sandman.  Although some are good, the original series stands alone and doesn't really cross over with other books during its run.  The full 75 issues will take several sittings to get through, but its a smaller time commitment than a medium sized novel. 

Archer doesn't actually have the audio from one scene carry over into the other though.  Instead it just has the first line in the new scene fit as an answer to a question (or a reply to a statement) left hanging in the previous scene.  So I don't know what that's called. 

She's the Michael Bluth of Archer.  Saner than her peers but still not nearly as much as she thinks she is. 

@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus Do the Canadians get American Idol and the other singing contests shows? Are they big there or do you have your own versions?

@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus Do the Canadians get American Idol and the other singing contests shows? Are they big there or do you have your own versions?

I am pretty sure China has invaded Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. 

Yeah china cares.  They love to take offense at how they are portrayed in foreign film because helps rally people around the government.  Seems like most countries do this.

I skip your music MWOF because I don't really get much out of music criticism in general.  Books and movies have plots and characters that can be broken down and analyzed for symbolism.  I can ponder what I think works and what the best elements of a work are.  Even when I haven't experienced the work directly I still

Oh, now I get it.  Took me a while.

Oh, now I get it.  Took me a while.

Not gonna happen.  Julia Stiles didn't.

Not gonna happen.  Julia Stiles didn't.

Hmm, I don't know if a bunch of people misinterpreting it can really make it a bad film though.  Douglas's scenes may have portrayed him as the sympathetic character while portraying others in a mean-spirted way, but I think that was because they were supposed to represent how he was thinking and justifying his

Hmm, I don't know if a bunch of people misinterpreting it can really make it a bad film though.  Douglas's scenes may have portrayed him as the sympathetic character while portraying others in a mean-spirted way, but I think that was because they were supposed to represent how he was thinking and justifying his

Comparing the evils of various genocides can be interesting.  So the holocaust was bad, but perhaps Stalin's famine in the Ukraine was worse.  Killed about the same number of people and stimulated a dramatic rise in cannibalism, some direct, some with livestock as an intermediary.  Talking about the famine in public

Comparing the evils of various genocides can be interesting.  So the holocaust was bad, but perhaps Stalin's famine in the Ukraine was worse.  Killed about the same number of people and stimulated a dramatic rise in cannibalism, some direct, some with livestock as an intermediary.  Talking about the famine in public

Yeah Alien doesn't hold up on repeat viewings.  It isn't filled with iconic scenes that terrify me every time I watch it.  It doesn't have a ton of disturbing sexual imaginary that increases the sense of unease that primes you for the more visceral scenes.  It isn't filled with a ton of visual detail in the unique

Yeah Alien doesn't hold up on repeat viewings.  It isn't filled with iconic scenes that terrify me every time I watch it.  It doesn't have a ton of disturbing sexual imaginary that increases the sense of unease that primes you for the more visceral scenes.  It isn't filled with a ton of visual detail in the unique

Naw, it may mean a misalignment at the year 1 but the 90s were Jan 1st 1990- Dec 31st 1999. I dont really see why we would worry about a problem that occurred 2000 years ago anyway.