Mr. Martini

Thanks Derrick. You have a knack for unearthing games which I otherwise would have never come across. I'm really into personality tests and incorporating introspection into gameplay, so I'd love to give this a shot if I had a playstation. Are there some tablet or PC games that try to do something similar?

If need something to really pump you up during the winter, but still feels appropriately grim, you could try some fantasy metal bands like The Sword or Amon Amarth. Listening to them turns my mood from "I think I'll just hibernate on this couch for 4 months" to "I think I'll grab that battle ax and run naked through

thank you sir

If you like the art in The Banner Saga but wish it was also a portentous dance party from another galaxy you should check this out…

For the handful of you fine folks that work in education:

I remember thinking, "But who's going to take care of interceptor? have I just orphaned a dog? OH MY GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE!?"

Oh man me too. That was the first game that got me really emotionally invested in characters.

I have a hard time envisioning how the gameplay of Dynasty Warriors will jive with the tone of Zelda. I like Zelda games because they ask me to focus in on the environment to find items and solve puzzles. I enjoyed Dynasty Warriors because I could lose focus and zen out amid all the furious action. I may be

groovy. thanks buddy.

This is awesome. You guys are the best.

I have a board game enthusiast cousin in need of a gift. She is really into Settlers and Agricola, but I'd like to get her something that pushes her out of her comfort zone. What would you recommend?

Thanks! I'm new to Chiptune bands, but if I come across any I like I'll let you know.

Extra Credits did a good video about the Kinect inhabiting the uncanny valley of video game controls…. It seems like voice recognition has the same issue. If I am speaking to something, I have so many assumed expectations about the response that a machine response feels deeply

What are some of your favorites?