Mr Marsu

Video "pinup" is Lyenne.

Theeeere it is.

Robin! Quickly!! Hand me the Batrope the Penguin has just arrived!!!

This is my crack in the pavement! It was made just for me!

I'm so sick and tired of these old aged pensioners on Playstation screaming down their mics, talking about "pension swag" and pausing the game to have a toilet break every five minutes.

Think I might give the XBox a try, i can't take much more of this.

Thanks for the follow through...not to say I'm not against feminism....I'm the pervert that wants equal exploitation.

BD is awesome but their AT-AT thing scares the hell out of me. It sounds like a trillion angry bees coming to consumer your hopes and dreams when it's running.

Greatest graffiti game you say?