Mr Marsu

It's your lucky day: It IS cross posted with jezebel.

"Just a little bit further and we're safe..."

But what about us who use consoles solely for singleplayer and split-screen mayhem? ;_;

*pssst* Take this.

It somehow reminds me of this:

True, true.

I can totally understand paying for photos if I'd be using it for advertisements, webpages or newspapers (aka. using it to make money), but in private use?

Soooo.. I should pay you if I want to use one of your photos as my wallpaper?

No. Nnnno. Nonono nopety nope. No more "legen-dary" jokes. Otherwise I shall start making "cake is a lie" and "arrow to the knee" jokes.

Well this is weird... That game is already on sale on local game store. I wonder did they make a mistake or is it just an empty box to tease customers...


I feel a little bit sad that old TAY and SpeakUp had to die.

Yesssss... the pattern....

That's Boyfriend Maker.

Little Sisters like to call Big Daddy as Mr. Bubbles.

Entertainment for the whole family.


I was just about to say "But where's Miami Vice?!?" and then I saw that the director of Manhunter was Michael Mann.