Mr Marsu

Normally I don't like dubstep AT ALL.

Thanks Bioware!


Not bad, thanks for the link!

Wired Controllers used by Professionals!

Space Disco time!

I'm in the 20%, too.

To-Do list:

Didn't expect to see fingerpori in kotaku.

So I might have a future as a romance writer?

I remember the first time I tried Minecraft: I was surfing on the internet (in 2009) when I saw a forum post which had a link to some new indie game. Without hesitation I followed the link and I ended up in a blocky world. I walked around aimlessly just observing the world around me. I tried to hit dirt. Suddenly a

This Madden is so fabulous!


The Different kind of instrument.

This is gonna be interesting: My friend decided to have a birthday party (with friends and local DJ's) and he's going to use internet radio to stream it. Lovely.

*Stares "Splinetr Cell" on the shelf*