
Take off the glasses and give him a nose job.

Too Soon

I used to only game on PC, I called everyone crazy for doing it with their thumbs. I still game on my PC (Starcraft 2 and Battlefield 3) But I prefer the ease of use of the joystick now. You'd be suprised as to what my PC gaming rig is and no it doesnt use a integrated intel HD Graphics solution. I know you're all

After reading all the PC vs XBOX attacks below All I can say is this.



I do, they're to busy hating on blackberry all the time. So it appears they hate on no one else. Then again this apple title bairly makes them look bad.

Lexs IS300 - it has a snow button.

This person deserves a medal. She thought the road was to clear and wanted a challenge on her road to work.

The zombie apocalypse happened the day I started working in I.T.

I live in Vancouver. Asians are bad drivers. Enough said.

I think its funny that he has all that money but still manages to be that fat.

I'd still own him.

I just love taking cheap shots when ever possible when it comes to the south.

Because if Steve Job's walked up to me i'd say.

He did how ever, desgin and build blackberry. I guess he has no clue.... right?

are you blind? The OS2 release is set for February

I like how some of these americans are prime examples of forgetting. That just because you have 4x4 or AWD your car can go forward easier in the snow. Though all that added weight is just more to try to stop, which will cause you just to slide further and probably kill some one.

Maybe he is planning to move to china. Apparently democracy isnt working for him and this article is a communist one.

Maybe everyones getting to excited about this. The Map cs_office was an office enviornment where you saved office workers.