They extended the life cycle of the xbox 360 until 2015. Id bet we see it around then, or slight after playstation 4
They extended the life cycle of the xbox 360 until 2015. Id bet we see it around then, or slight after playstation 4
I don't know how you've shocked. They did the same thing they always do.
Who forgot to put in VTEC, VVTI, TVIS! ZTEC!
Hammer of Dawn!
Web Crawler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im not proud to say that I had to have a verbal argument with some one over the direct exhaust injected engine.
How common is this now. Some ones gotta start pulling licenses off these old hooligans.
<3 blackberry security
I bought parts off an IS300 which was written off during the Riots. In a sense, that mans car now lives on through me!
Quick note
Heres the cliff's notes version for everyone who wants to skip all 33 replies.
Theyre owned by a russian now.
Us Canadians do good work. Don't hate. USDM + CDM? = same market.
Windows8 will have the option to operate in the windows7 OS mode. So you dont need to use their new GUI. You can do it classic.
I thought we determined Lambo doors were seriously uncool now?
The Escort's got Z-Tech yo!
I drew a swastica on my friends 530i at the track on friday. It's now a nazi wagon.
I submitted this yesterday..... do you still want the pictures I have that I took when they were being hauled away on flatbet!
Sea to sky highway in BC.
The Mitsubishi Eclipse