I think perfect intelligence is dull, I like that I have to withdraw sometimes. And the penalty isn’t steep.
I think perfect intelligence is dull, I like that I have to withdraw sometimes. And the penalty isn’t steep.
I like interacting here on Kotaku, but this comes off as one of the more petty articles I’ve read. The man has conservative politics and he made a pretty good video game that is successful. This kind of snide disdain for what is obviously a labor of love is why games journalism isn’t taken seriously anymore.
It’s not just a symbol, it’s literally a word in their language, appropriated by some other culture to be synonymous with hate. Would you change your name if I started using it as a racial slur?
Censorship is not the way to the future, like you suggest.
If any company fits that description, its EA first and foremost. I don’t see Microsoft forcing microtransactions and lootboxes on people. Microsoft for the most part has done things any company would do. They are a company after all. They exist to make money, not to tiptoe around your every whim.
This is going to shock you so you should take a seat.
There’s plenty of scifi movies and stories that are better than the original star wars, and somehow we are supposed to just settle for this crap? We can’t hold movie-makers and story-tellers to higher standards any more? It’s all just relative, right? Sorry. Weak writing is weak writing.
Fan boi tears are the best tears...
Luke wasn’t a soldier or a Jedi Knight, he was just the last guy standing who happened to be Force-skilled. And he failed in trying to replicate what he had never been a part of, and he overreacted to failure in a way that an emotionally-stunted teen boy might.
I just didn’t see any potential in the setup of Force Awakens.
This is actually why I’m really looking forward to IX. Empire is the consensus best of the OT (which I’m willing to debate), but RotJ had to come in and wrap things up to give it proper context.
It makes the resistance feel like an actual resistance now, as opposed to rebel wannabes. It also makes Leia feel like a very important leader and the rock for the whole resistance. The fact that their whole plan rested on Luke willingly coming out of retirement makes them seem so foolish as well, because they don’t…
Why are we pretending that the idea that there are other people beyond the Skywalkers using the force is some kind of revelation? That’s always how it’s been. Like, in addition to the prequels, there are entire episodes of Clones Wars and Rebels that deal with other force-using kids. Not to mention half of every Star…
No, it’s not. A sign of intelligence is knowing when a writer is having fun with language and knowingly using it incorrectly for a purpose. Being rigidly pedantic is not.
Watching some of these videos makes me realize how much i suck at this game :(
Huh, there you go again. (For the record I don’t disagree with you. It’s just funny that you think you’ll get anywhere further on an internet comment thread than the crazies in the article’s video.)
But boycotting the whole product because if these features will send the wrong message to execs. They’ll blame the IP or gameplay before any backwards money schemes. If you want to send the right message, buy the game but ignore the “market” and convince your friends to do the same. So long as “pay to skip” makes them…
What’s the difference? They’re already making full release prices on their product...
Which is why better management and automation tools would also be a worthy investment of their time. Whether it’s because of expansion or conquest, you’re going to end up with a lot of cities in late game, so fix that end of it first.