
You need to get a grip on these puns!

We gotta get you a serious gaming laptop! You deserve to see island beauty in all it's pixelated gloriousness.

Oh gawd no, that game is super stressful. 

We have come so far!

Or Star Wars! Stupid Disney

Not surprising due to the necessary death of religion without a suitable replacement, rise of sedentary lifestyles, and cheap nearly unlimited access to unhealthy food. Probably wouldn’t be wrong to say these are the consequences of conquering natural selection. We have come so far hehe. 

Judging a Lithuanian who wants to be a black hero by your own convoluted culture doesn’t seem just. And it’s flawed logic to say that it offended some black person somewhere and we shouldn’t offend anyone because it also offended some white supremacist or some religious wackadoo somewhere who thinks it’s disgusting to

It is noteworthy that they stuck around and added quality updates to the game. But it’s hard to have any love lost when he straight up lied or mislead before launch which resulted in huge amounts of hype and monetary gain. Buyer beware when Murray makes a claim. He reminds me a bit of Molyneux.

Slaying a dragon eh? Are you sure we played the same game cuz I remember learn an ancient dragon langauge, time traveling, battling ancient underground machinations, and going to heaven to defeat the devil aka world eater.

Nice calls. Devs should be ready and eager to steal good ideas and make the very best out of their games.

This is some of your best work Jason, great job!

Just like real life, there is a timer for having babies.

What backlash? It sounds like you are spending too much time listening to the internet blather on. All that matter is whether ppl buy it when it comes out.

Imagine the input lag while playing VR. We need less not more to have our gaming nervana.

As a PC gaming elitist I am happy this service will exist for ppl like you. That said, once again the "experts" are going to declare consoles or PC gamings demise. And once again they will be wrong. I have a little less confidence in consoles but PC gaming has proven it's resiliency and only keeps getting stronger.

I am just waiting for a serial murderer to target cheat makers and cheat users. I would bet money it is gonna happen sooner or later.

*grabs popcorn* gaming politics always brings such enlightened liberalism. Yes, yes, orange man bad...everyone is rascist...white ppl wanna put brown ppl back in chains.

Lol you must live in a bubble to really believe that. 

I mean that is basically what they have said already. I don’t understand what else they could do. Maybe make a visual aid that shows various offensive materials and at which point Valve would start taking issues. 

Honestly, I enjoy your work most when it is not about race. I play games to escape and live through someone else or live in a digital community where appearance and race don’t matter. Anyone else love the part in Ready Player One when his best friend was a black woman all along. I love the digital world.