Memes dont count, Ackbar was not an important character. We just all love the one line.
Memes dont count, Ackbar was not an important character. We just all love the one line.
I’m almost always bothered by pointless busywork in games but not once during the movie did I feel like that. To my surprise I enjoyed every minute of the movie.
Midiclorians shouldn’t bother anyone because all they are is a physialogical organelle or what have you that turns up in higher quantities when a life form is exposed to increased energies of the force. They are not the force and they don’t have to interfere with any of the mystery of the energy that binds the…
We need less porno sex and more real life sex in video games! Porno sex is dumb and actually really boring
Except the gameplay is garbage. have some standards
There is nothing phenomenal about the gameplay. It’s a pretty dumb clickyclick shooter with lots of lame corridor chokes.
I think he meant Jar Jar
If he is smart then he should fight dirty just like the Cheeto-Nazi! People love it apparently...
I came to the comments to say exactly this....we can be mediocre TOGETHER!
Nintendo isnt into using their games to make political or social points. They just make high quality fun that every age can enjoy. It is just a game after all.
I am having trouble seeing how their system is not communist.
probably because the normal ppl dont make such a fuss and are actually the silent majority
Handsome Orcs? Really Patricia you need to raise your standards ;)
So as long as the gameplay is not detrimentally affected by the presence of these loot boxes and there is not any multiplayer then theses loot boxes seem alright. Next can we talk about the horrendous battlefront 2 loot boxes?
there used to be old ppl that missed the smell of horse crap, too
problem with ESDF is my pinkie cant reach control and will accidentally hit the windows key
Ppl arejust great! They are funny, smart, surprising, ridiculous, basically just super entertaining. Ppl make life good.
I’m 28, played games my whole life so I remember. Gaming is bigger and better and way more of them and for every cash grab game there is a brilliant game released. Games are cheaper than ever, as well.
Dont call them filthy just because they wont join the stormcloaks! The dunmer havent picked sides because its not their fight, geez Ulfric much?
jimmy’s sad story makes me sad