
you are so wrong. ppl put up with Nintendo because they make fun toys. THATS IT. Nothing else going on. Unless Nintendo has suddenly found the secret to mind control then its just normal market forces at work. Consumers will pay for luxury goods that make them happy

maybe you should play board games, Pandemic is fun

dude in the states we don’t have unlimited internet anything. Even the landlines have caps and the 4g is stupid expensive for only 20 gb or so

the poor demanding internet will ultimately lead to more progress than if every company stayed offline. This too shall pass

and life is temporary so why should games be any different?

omg I love this analogy. On a side note the pressure to go online is pushing ISPs to develop rural areas for broadband. So ppl whining about their games being online are helping to develop and bring real opportunities to rural America.

Consumers have never had so much power in all of history. I think the ppl getting mad over this are blowing it way out of proportion. None of us NEED a switch. We have countless other luxury products we can blow our money on.

It’s a skit called “complicit” that makes fun of Trump’s daughter.

Viagra is covered by insurance and come on now, less babies is good for society not just women specifically.

I have an amusing anicdote. I was playing a couple of games of OW and both games had one female player. Both times she was very calm, respectful, attempted to strategize. Each time she had a suggestion I thought she was probably right even though the rest of the team didn’t listen. A few of the guys would yell and

I usually play for a month or two at a time and then take a 6 month break and I know alot of ppl who do this. I always come back to it.

Both are not true. I am a Nintendo investor and I couldn’t be more pleased with the situation. There is so much demand and it is so unprecedented. They are working very hard and it will be an impressive year for switch sales. Ppl are nuts for this console and I have to give it to them, the switch and the games it has

Yeah it was not smart but ppl have to take responsibility for their own actions, too.

Yeah in real life of course but in comics and movies it takes alot more to kill ppl ;)

They are Co-developing the mods and distributing them. It is their RIGHT to do so. They are breaking no laws and if you don’t want to pay for their service then they will be compelled to be more competitive with their services or pricing.

Yes they do have a problem with paying for stuff. I know many of them personally and thwir comments often reflect it. When I was young I would pirate games and music until I started working and realized that even though everyone does it, it is still stealing. I did it because I had no sense of appreciation for their

I love you right now. The modding community is so whiny. It kills me because I’ve modded since I was a kid and if you don’t like the paid stuff then just don’t use it. The end user is unaffected. The mod makers actually are the only ones that have a cause for concern because their intellectual property may be stolen

There will be alot of games I bet that will run at 4k@30hz or less.

Have you used supersampling? It’s pretty impressive, like the very best,very costly AA. Supposedly, Xbox one x will take the 4k and supersample it down to 1080p.

That just not true. They made many modifications to make the throughput capable of hitting those marks. There is so much more going on than the cpu.