Say what you want about her opinions, but this is spot on:
Say what you want about her opinions, but this is spot on:
5? I see a room full of em
I don't know what's more depressing; the fact that Kotaku is covering fucking My Little Pony... or that it's actual coverage.
We don't need this many Brony posts. Please stop.
What's with all the man children on Kotaku today? I didn't know liking little girls toys was something to be openly proud about.
Kotaku, the Gamer's Guide.
Out of the last 10 posts, 5 were "BronyCon", and this was the only one remotely related to video games..
Implying Mike Fahey didn't buy this stuff to hot glue.
Implying it doesn't turn him on more that it's already been hot glued.
Implying he doesn't do drive-by ejaculations on his MLP stuff from his Rascal scooter.
Then maybe it's time to change the name of this site.
These should all come with a free "500 feet from schools and playgrounds" restraining order.
I don't think ponies are part of video game and otaku culture.
It's aimed at little girls. That's the target demographic.
The length and excitement of this article scares me. Why is this a thing? If I liked Barbie people would think I'm a bit off...this is not normal , and this is coming from a guy who regularily calls himself Jennifer to people online.
Needs more ball pit.
And I'm sure they all bathe regularly otherwise.
Dude, it clearly isn't up to par with any of the other images presented here, get over it. Also, others agree with me so its obviously not just me making a a poor judgement of the artwork. It is just bad. Deal with it.