
You probably won't have a choice between TW and Cablevision. You'll either have one or the other depending on where you live. I wish I had the choice since TW at my parents' is pretty good but Cablevision is a bit unreliable at my place but I can't choose TW. Cablevision is better for uploading but there will be more

Nice! I wanted to get the Metal Gear version but forgot and remembered too late.

The worst part is the people on the linked site gushing over the theme and photos. For one they're oblivious to the racism of the theme. Secondly, I could have taken those photos with an iPhone and

Thank you. I went to an engineering school for uni and it seemed that a lot of the people I knew there seemed to get off on that sort of thing.

Optimus Prime is cool but Nexus Prime sounds stupid to me.

Sorry, but I think the name is stupid.

In my first year as an engineering student a guy from NASA showed us early conceptions of what the lunar module was to look like. Early plans called fro something much less Spartan, much more Modern, but practicality (from an engineering standpoint) and cost gave us the module as we see it today.

Those actors seem like genuinely great people.

The specs are intriguing yet the design is so awful.

Personally I'd rather they called and Ask for Janice.

That is the way I see it too. And also they will more than eat RIM's marketshare if they play their cards right.

Is there anyway to keep a person (or people) from seeing a specific group and/or person in your circles?

If they were only asking hipsters I'm quite sure many were just feigning ignorance. If they were asking just any 20-somethings then, yes I believe most wouldn't know.

I saw the ads on the train station and thought "Didn't this come out already?" Glad to see my confusion was justified.

I did this after repairing my cousin's laptop a few weeks back. The favicons for things like Facebook, and Hulu not only looked good on the browser if I should say so myself, but made it easier for her to use.

A shame they stopped selling Final Cut Studio 3.... to the torrent sites!

Looks really Sony Ericsson-ish. Especially the camera on the back, reminds me of my T700. It'd be awesome as an Xperia phone.

Wasn't Apple suing Samsung for copying their devices? (Let's be honest here Samsung isn't known for their originality.) I wonder what Samsung is basing this on.

I owned a Sony laptop about 8 years ago too and ended up buying a Mac right after. But I am tempted to buy at least one more Vaio for my blu-ray fix.