
@Louis Tovar: True but they can't play Blu-ray movies, unless you bootcamp or virtualize Windows.

@dropdeadseven: True, but the fact that you can play Blu-ray at all is worth something. You can't watch Blu-ray movies on a Mac. Not at all.

@philaDLJ: In before the UC zealots saying "Core Fighter or GTFO".

@dapoktan: No, no. You misunderstand. See, Samsung had to license the letter "S" from Apple. Prior to the iPhone 3GS it was simply called "Amsung". In Korean the brand we call "Samsung" is written "삼성" for which there is no means of Romanization for the simple fact that no Westerner could ever hope topronounce it.

I'm gonna go listen to some choons now and slip another shrimp on the barbie.

@theprancingboar: Considering it is Korean pop, I'm not sure if it was better or worse than I expected.

@matt buchanan: Well Engadget described it as follows: "Then there's also the kickstand, which exhibits some lateral wiggling action we're not too fond of and does not sit flush with the phone when retracted."

Question. The review on Engadget mentioned the kickstand not sitting properly in place after you use it. Was this the case with the unit reviewed?

@Zinger314: I think his would have been in 1899 but instead of a subway train he crossed in a streetcar.

@John Crane: I wish trains from that era were still in service. I think they look pretty cool. The oldest we get I believe are from the 60's, which look kind of boring.

What about skin? My skin dries out a lot during the winter but

I know it's wrong but I thought it was ironic that he mentioned "selecting" felt "good" "like slapping someone" and he chose a Rhianna song.

Sometimes I regret not buying an iPad. This is one of those times.

@Hvedhrungr: I believe it syncs with Google Calendar if you're into that sort of thing. (I use iCal over Google myself, but you never know)

I can't help but get this feeling. But Joel's there and I'm not so...

@__sitdown: I sort of feel the same way. I remember appreciating Mick Foley as a wrestler (and imitating his tactic of using a dirty-sock puppet) when I was 13-ish, but now as an adult I can appreciate him for more mature reasons.

Did you know that the Quran considers the McRib to be halal?