grow the fuck up
grow the fuck up
grow up
man up and act like a damn adult. Move on with your life. Or sit around everyday popping xanax and not working, what could possibly go wrong?
there’s not going to be a nuclear holocaust
“and since we are journalists”
Why would you prep?
ok, keep panicking then. Adults have work to do.
you seem touchy, why is that? I was just confirming that you were only applying your narrow worldview to white people.
Why can’t you be part native american if you have blonde hair and blue eyes? That sounds racist.
I’m curious. Does the same apply to PoC who are considered uncle tom’s?
so white people aren’t allowed to have ancestors from other countries. got it.
when you have to put free speech in quotes, you’re probably wrong.
fuck you
hot take!
per capita doesn’t mean shit when you’re talking about tens of millions of people, fyi
That’s great. Your country also has only 35 million people and a vast amount of natural resource, little immigration, and a more homogeneous society. It’s almost like....what’s applied in Canada can’t be exactly copied to the US! Weird!
How do idiots like you manage to go outside?
“every comment”
Sounds good. I’ll check in in 4 years and be doing just fine :)